Why Kk is the Reason we can't have Nice Things

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TW// cussing, murder, blood, mentions of bombs, cultish activities,

Our pronouns to minimize confusion:

Kk_47-975 Kk- she/he

MapleSandwich Maple- they/them

Sam/me- any

Nadie_6006 Nadie- she/they

antispruce Spruce- she/her, they/them is okay though

ender-bug Toby- they/them

Snappy_321 Snap- he/him

Sxphia- she/her (Still need her user)

yell___ow yellowed- ??? Please tell me, I need to know. Aka I forgot and don't want to scroll the pronouns tab.

Toby yawned, dragging their feet as they walked down the stairs. As they descended into the first layer of hell, aka the main floor of the Sandwich household, they could hear distant screams, probably from Snap and Geminii trying to kill each other in the backyard. Snap really needs to stop stealing Geminii's erasers.

It's more peaceful than it usually is, usually Maple's going around screaming about MCU and Kk's trying to enslave people to make him bombs. It seemed almost too quiet to be true, but Finn savored the small break from the chaos.

As soon as Toby got down to the bottom step on the small staircase, Nadie came running past them, screaming incoherent stuff about how someone had sacrificed something to a dog and how people had to control themselves and not kill people.

This is nothing new, in fact it was quite common.

As Toby went to pour a bowl of cereal, all they could do was pray that it wasn't the orphanage that had been sacrificed, because last time that happened hundreds of orphans died. It was one of the bloodiest massacres of the century and it was broadcasted on thousands of FOX news channels all around the globe.


"FUCKING XD KK, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STOP!" Nadie was obviously pissed as she opened the red front door, carrying a blood-soaked Kk angrily. I guess Kk had been out sacrificing people to Jerry again. I swear people need to kill Jerry, they're becoming a real threat to humanity.

As Kk responded, you could see the tiniest bit of fear behind his eyes. Maybe she does have feelings after all. "I'm sorry Nadie, please don't craft the belt! I have a long life ahead of me please-"

"WELL YOU DON'T HAVE SUCH A LONG LIFE AHEAD OF YOU ANYMORE!" Nadie crafted the belt as Kk screeched in fear. His short life flashed before her eyes as she squirmed out of Nadie's tight grasp and started booking it, "YOU LITTLE SHIT GET BACK HERE!"

Nadie started to chase Kk, but she was a lot slower than him due to the fact that she's so old, and sadly couldn't catch up.



Toby slowly ate their cereal, calmly ignoring Nadie and Kk running around like maniacs as they sat down on the couch and turned on the television. They immediately went to Disney+, the most used streaming service in the house.

They immediately turned on the Owl House, one of their favorite shows, and turned the volume up to max to drown out Nadie and Kk's argument. Nobody ever shuts up in this house, so this was becoming a routine for the somewhat calmer person.

After they finished their bowl of cereal they went to go and wash the dishes. Unsurprisingly, there were dishes in the sink, most likely from Maple, who still refuses to do their dishes.


"Fuck..." Maple sat down near the edge of a tree, knowing they were lost, and started doing their famous inhuman screeching, signaling everyone within one-thousand miles where she was and scaring off every animal in existence.

After about five minutes of the screeching, heavy breathing and footsteps could be heard, followed by Omni's yelling, "MAPLE YOU ANNOYING BITCH WHERE ARE YOU?!?"

Soon enough, Omni found Maple and dragged her back into the Sandwich household then notified everyone there that they could uncover their ears and not receive hearing damage.




now go practice the art of self-care. N O W

Maple's Server But as a Family...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz