
- Bakugo has made it plain as day to all of the hero schools that you two are a couple and he makes sure to demonstrate that whenever another hero school visits.

- He'll keep his arms around you constantly and give you kisses wherever and whenever he can just showing off to them and making sure that all of them know that you're off-limits and you're fine with that.

- So far, this method has worked but unfortunately, a new school was being allowed to visit and spar with the students and this school consisted of quite a few arrogant snobs who couldn't care less about who's off-limits.

- This became extremely obvious when one of the guys started sparring you and he caught you way off guard when he did a move that ended with his face in the crook of your neck.

- He whispered a few creepy things in your ear before actually licking up your neck and roughly grabbing your ass which causes you to slap him and immediately stop the fight so you can tell Aizawa what just happened.

- Nobody seems to hear you though and this guy gets more aggressive trying to push you against the wall and pin you to it informing you that he's using his quirk to create an illusion that you two are still fighting like normal.

- Bakugo felt something was off when he was watching you two spar and he saw that you were repeating a lot of the same moves which is quite unusual and he didn't like it one bit.

- He followed his instincts and just set off a huge ass explosion right at the guy which hits the real him and sends him off balance which causes you to immediately run to Bakugo's side.

- You quickly explained what happened and literal steam started to radiate off of Bakugo and before anyone could do anything he set off a huge explosion right at the guy hitting him and burning the crap out of the entire right side of his body.

- "Hey, get up. You don't get to just pass out after you decided to assault my girlfriend. Harassing and assaulting someone I love is a death sentence and I thought I made that clear but I guess not. Oh well, I'll do better next time and you should spread the word to all of your shitty friends that this is what happens when you hurt her."

- He's about to kill him and everyone knows it which is why Aizawa is wrapping his scarf around him and kicking him out of the training grounds while canceling out his quirk just to make sure that he couldn't possibly do any more damage.

- He let Bakugo go when you practically begged him to because you wanted your boyfriend right now because you weren't really keeping it together mentally and you were practically breaking down because of how overwhelming this all was.

- Bakugo was wrapping his arms around you and taking you back to the dorms as soon as he could and he was actually apologizing to you for not noticing what was happening sooner and for also probably adding to your stress since he almost murdered someone.

- You told him that he has nothing to apologize for since he was just defending you and you really didn't want him to feel guilty about any of this since it wasn't his fault and he did what he could to protect you.

- He didn't receive any punishment since technically he was defending his classmate but they did give him a stern warning that if this happens again they'll be forced to either expel him or arrest him because this is now the second time he almost killed someone in defense of you.

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