thirteen (#trueswiftie)

Start from the beginning

        "Nope! I don't know how it happens but no matter how drunk I get, I don't feel anything the next morning. It's actually quite great."

        Something about the statement worries Taylor. The singer wasn't a heavy drinker because it was too dangerous for someone of her status. Plus, she didn't really see the need in getting shitfaced drunk. She tended to forget things that happened when she drank so she only did it in casual doses. It wasn't enjoyable to have people come up to her and recant a story about when they partied with her and she had no recollection of it.

        "Amazing..." Taylor mumbles, blinking her heavy eyelids. Karlie smirks at her and slides over a glass of orange juice.

        "Drink that, it'll wake you up." 

        Taylor accepts the drink graciously and gulps it down. 

        "I hope you don't mind that I went through your refridgerator also. I saw you had egg whites so I'm cooking some of that and I made some pancakes and toast and..." Karlie trails off, embarrassed as she registers just how much food she had made. 

        "It's fine. I'm starving anyway," Taylor admits as she grabs a plate and fork. She stabs a few pancakes and drags them onto her plate and bites into a piece of toast. "I'm usually too lazy to cook after drinking so I'm glad you're here."

        "Speaking of, last night was pretty crazy! The last thing I remember was making a drink for Justin Timberlake. Wild, man."

        Taylor's midbite of a pancake when Karlie says this. She intakes a breath of air in surprise and the food gets uncomfortably lodged in her throat. She begins coughing and patting her chest anxiously and Karlie looks up in concern. The stripper rushes over and holds Taylor's shoulders. Only a few more coughs and the food is dislodged, but Taylor looks pale as a sheet.

        "What's wrong? Are you alright? Were you choking?"

        Taylor looks up at the girl standing next to her. Her eyes are as wide as a terrified animal and her brain is processing a thousand thoughts per second.

        "I... uhm... I need to excuse myself for a minute," Taylor says with rush, turning from Karlie. She takes fast, long strides away from the girl and leaves the kitchen. When she's outside in the living room, she sits down on the chair and takes a deep breath.

        Could she really have forgotten everything that happened last night? Taylor forgot things too something, but forgetting nearly two hours of a party? That was insane. Or could she be lying? Why would she lie, though? To protect her? To protect you? To pretend she didn't admit her feelings? 

        As Taylor runs over the possible reasons in her head, her fingers grip into the chair roughly. It's not until she starts feeling cramps in her fingers does she stop. 

        With a shaky breath, the singer stands up and goes to return to the kitchen. Karlie is now washing the dishes she had used to make breakfast and smiles warmly at Taylor when she walks in. Taylor's stomach convulses and does flips.

        "Are you feeling sick at all? I know just what to make to solve that," Karlie rushes to the refridgerator to get some ingredients but Taylor makes a noise telling her to stop.

        "No, I just have a tiny headache, it's alright." Karlie's friendly instincts towards her right now are entirely heartwarming, but the fact that she doesn't remember shit from last night is overshadowing everything.

        "...So you don't remember much from last night?" Taylor asks tentatively. She's curling inwards on herself, afraid of Karlie's answer.

        "...No, why?" Karlie turns on her heel slowly to face Taylor. The singer is slightly pink and can't look at Karlie straight on.

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