A party with no one

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Tubbo POV:

Tommy was overly excited about this party. More so than any of his others. It put me on edge, like something was wrong with this one.

However before I made an issue out of it, Tommy had already given me a bottle of his best vodka, so I don't feel the need to complain.

I simply opened the cap and took a swig, letting the harsh liquid burn the back of my throat in a sweet bit soothing mix of both pain and pleasure.

It felt so relieving that o had to have another. And then another.

And before I knew it I had drank over half the bottle and guests were starting to show up.

I once again did my usual of trying not to talk to anyone, no matter how much they wanted to talk to me, whenever a person tried to talk to me I came up with the excuse of I needed the bathroom, or I needed to find Tommy, or even just I needed air.

The party was however surprisingly tame, and relaxing for the most part, that was until Tommy's special guests arrived. The new up and coming band that Tommy was friends with.

Their arrival caused a wave of loud cheers and shrieks all over the party, turning the once approachable get together into a jungle of wild teenagers going crazy.

This felt all to familiar. A famous band arriving to their set, ready to perform in front of a group of raging fans.

And I didn't want to be a part of it. So I left the house. Sitting on the curb with a bottle in my hand, finishing it off whilst I sat there.

"You drank that all by yourself?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw someone I'd never met before.

He had long blonde locks, and deep brown eyes. His lips were curled in a smile, but his tone was Alamo's laced with concern.

"Who are you?" I asked tossing the bottle to one side

"Oh I'm Shawn, I play guitar for the band"

"Oh goodie. That means you can leave and be with them" I returned, I knew my tone was cold. But I didn't care, I didn't particularly want to become friends with another band member, who could potentially hurt me.

"Well the rest of the guys are all getting ready, they're proper spotlight people you know? They always want to look their best. And besides... I saw you rush out here and just wanted to make sure you didn't get hit by a bus or something" he chuckled, grabbing the back of his neck.

"The busses stop at 8 so I think I'll be fine" I smiled looking directly at him once more. He had moved closer since the last time I saw him. So close that he may as eel have been sitting with me.

"Do you want something to help...relax you?" He asked "I mean more so than drinking" he continued.

I looked at him confused and he took that as a question, he reached for his pocket and pulled out a plastic bag, within the bag he pulled out a chocolate brownie and handed it to me.

"It's not poisoned... just drugged" he spoke as he winked at me. That DID cause me to laugh "here I'll show you" he said as he ate the one in his hand and then grabbed another to offer me once again.

"If you can't handle it..." he teased
However as he finished I snatched the brownie out of his hand and swallowed it as best I could

"I can handle it" I returned

"Oh. Is it not your first?"

"Oh no it is. But I'll do just about anything to get my head clear for a bit"

"Bad place huh?"

"Oh yeah"

"No one to talk to about it?"

"Well I used to have someone... but they left me"

Shawn finally sat beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry man that's rough"

"It's fine. I'll live"

"Hey listen, because of what you've just told me, and because I gave you a weed brownie, I'll look after you tonight ok? Just come on the temporary stage we have set up when we're performing and rest behind the curtain ok?" Shawn said and I nodded

"Come on then" he smiled

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