Part 9 - Our once upon a time

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Mal fell back as she stared at the stone versions of her beloved friends, tears running down her face and dripping off her chin as she stared in silent horror "No" Mal whimpered, stumbling to her feet and walking over to Ben, reaching up and cupping his marble turned cheeks "no"

Mal fell to her knees, her hands sliding down to clutch onto Ben's stone hand, hanging her head between her shoulders as she sobbed. "Please no...I can't-I can't do this alone, I need you...all of you"

Mal looked at Jay and Carlos through her wet lashes, letting out another sob as Audrey's/her mother's cold cackle rang in her ears. 'all alone~ as it should be~' her mother's voice cooed in her mind. Mal pressed her lips together and let her forehead rest on Ben's arm 'no one to fight with you, no one to lean on. All alone my nasty little girl~'

Mal swallowed down her tears and shook her head, you'd think after three and a half years she'd learn to ignore her mother's taunts, learn to be better...apparently not.

Mal took a shaky breath and opened her eyes, biting her lip as she stared down at the ember that had fallen from her grip when she grabbed onto Ben, the once glowing gem now resembled coal.

Mal; Here you are alone...and you deserve it.

Mal whispered out, releasing one of her hands from Ben's and picking up the gem, turning it in her fingers

Mal; your friends have turned to stone, and that's on you.

Mal slowly stood, looking up at Ben through her tears, stepping forward and completely leaning against him, resting her cheek on his stone chest.

Mal; You had a cause to serve but did you serve it?

Mal took a heaving gasp, closing her eyes and almost falling to the ground again as she let her full weight collapse against Ben

Mal; or did you see yourself in a way that wasn't true?

Mal opened her eyes, looking down at the ember then closing her fingers around it as she pushed off of Ben, looking towards Jay and stumbling towards him.

Mal; Why tell all those lies? You feel unworthy

Mal reached up, laying her hand gently on Jay's stone hair, her chin crumbling as another sob ripped from her chest.

Mal; like there isn't solid ground, for you to stand

Mal glanced around Jay, moving to kneel next to Dude and Carlos, running her hand atop Dude's stone head as her other hand curled around Carlos' fingers.

Mal; But a stack of lies is not a firm foundation. You cannot build a castle on a mountain made of sand

Mal stood, trailing her fingers against Carlos' head as she walked between Evie and Ben.

Mal; This is not your father's fairytale

She looked towards Ben and Jay, reaching out towards Ben and grabbing his outstretched hand.

Mal; And no, it's not your mother's fault you fail

She looked back at Evie and Carlos, her other hand reaching out to Evie to caress her cheek.

Mal; So when our story comes to light. Make sure the story that they write

Mal fully cupped Evie's cheek and gave her best friend an apologetic look as she started to walk away. She needed to fix this, and now. And the only way to do that was to defeat her mother and remove the possession spell she had placed upon the poor princess.

Finale - Rewrite - Part of your world - Harry Hook x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum