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"Oh yeah! We passed by Jack earlier. He came from the left wing of the cafeteria."

"Quite suspicious if I may say so myself..." Wilbur shrugs. Jack's jaw slacked as he squints his eyes in disbelief.  "Alright- hold on a minute. Why does it feel like your accusing me?"

Wilbur raised his hands in the air, "I wasn't even saying anything. I just said that it's quite suspicious that you came from the left wing when the dead body is found at the left wing as well. Or it might be just a coincidence." he reasoned out.

Jack was about to open his mouth to explain when George suddenly interrupted him.

"Wait you are saying that Jack came from the upper left wing, right?" George asked Wilbur.

"Yeah, why?"

"That's quite weird because I was on cams earlier and I didn't find Jack walking past by in the hallways. I only saw him when he came out of Medbay right after Niki entered." He explained with a little bit of confusion in his voice.

"Ooohh you've got some explaining to do Jack." 

"Okay listen man, I didn't do it. I was from the right wing of the map, doing trash and shi-"

"Language!" Almost everyone in the call, including the dead ones, languaged him. The buzz cut-headed adult lets out a groan, forgetting to check on his profanities. "Right, sorry Tori."

"No worries." She waved him off.

"Okay, where was I- oh yes, after doing that, I checked my tasks if I have anything left to do and I saw that I had to do the vials thingy in Medbay," Jack informed them.

"George, how are you sure to think that it was me?"

"Jack I'm not blind, I'm just color blind. I can still see things clearly with my two eyes." George deadpanned.

"Hmm, that's quite sus of you, Jack. Where did you possibly come from? HMMM?" Quackity pressed.

"From my mother's V obviously." Jack playfully rolls his eyes. This got a quiet chuckle from the others, except for Tori who got a little confused about what it meant.

Quackity suppressed a grin as he continues to interrogate Jack, "Since Gogy here told us that he didn't see you coming in the Medbay, this brings us to the conclusion that the only way for you to be able to sneak in the room is by venting. And that my friend is how you solve a case." He said, slamming his hand down at his desk.

"Alright, I'm voting Jack out." Tommy immediately pressed the vote button with the others agreeing with him, leaving no room for discussion.

"Okay, hold on a minute-"

"Jack we've got like 10 seconds left so technically it's seconds, not minute."

"WAITITWASN'TMEISWEAR-" Jack's audio was cut off as his character was kicked off the ship, revealing that he was indeed one of the imposters.

"HAHA I knew it!" Wilbur laughs.



Jack: Shit! I accidentally kicked the desk causing my cam to turn off!!

Niki: Hah! Serves you right, you traitor >:(


"Okay before everyone leaves, I wanted to ask who still has tasks left?" Wilbur asked.

"I do!!" Tori said, running around the group in circles.

"Me," Tommy replied with a deep voice.

"I still got tasks to do."


"I guess everyone still has some. So, why don't we get into pairs? In that way, it would be easier for us to know who's the imposter is."

"I got dibs on Gogy!" Quackity yelled, running over to the cyan-colored player.

Tommy opened his mouth to call out Wilbur's name but was cut off by his sister. "Wilby! I choose youuuu!"

"Little one!" Wilbur excitedly said, chasing after her as the two, run around in circles.

"Hey! I was going to choose Wilbur." Tommy whined.

Tori turned to him before walking away with Wilbur following behind. "Well, that's not my problem." causing his jaw to drop. Okay, what?

He was super shocked that he didn't notice a green character approaching him.

"It's okay Tommy, you've still got me-" Dream started.

Tommy quickly lets out of a shriek of surprise, "Get the hell away from me aaAAAHH."


"Okay, what is it this time? I was in the middle of fixing the freaking wires." Quackity groans in annoyance.

"Alright ladies, ladies, calm yourselves... I think I know who's the real suspect here." Tommy told them, taking a deep breath before opening up his mouth.

"It's Dream. It's always been Dream." this caused everyone to let out a groan of exasperation. "Even the color green gives me the vibes of an imposter!"

The little blonde girl lets out a sigh, shaking her head towards her brother. "Tommy- just no-"

"It hasn't even been 10 minutes since we've started!"

"But it's Dream! I swear to God, he's been giving me the bad vibes."

Dream lets out an amused laugh, "I'm not even doing anything. I was just following you."

"Well, I said that I didn't want to be followed but you completely ignored it and continued to deliberately chase me around the cafeteria. Don't you know about boundaries, Dream?!" Tommy said, faking a cry towards his chat. 

As Tommy continues to protest and argue with the others that it was in fact Dream, Tori just watched the scene unfold in front of her with an amused on her face.

In the end, Tommy was voted out of the ship. She could hear him cursing in the next room causing her to sigh in exasperation. So much for peace and quiet.

hello! yes i am still very much alive ahahaha. it has been a hectic 3 months for me with all the school and college applications. i still can't believe i'm going to graduate from senior highschool next year!! hopefully by that time, we would to have a face to face graduation in my school.

well enough about me, how are you guys?! i miss you guys so much. i still can't believe this book is about to hit 40k reads!! thank you, thank you guys so much for all the undying support that you've given for this book. i couldn't have done it without you guys. i promise to do my best to finish this book by the end of january so you that you won't be able to wait for too long hehehe. see you guys in the next chapter<33

❥ not proofread

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐄 | 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz