▪︎{the cold hard truth}▪︎

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It's been on your mind ever since he said it, but you couldn’t let that thought get in the way now.

Did you actually love Dainsleif? The man who saved you from the abyss?

Although it wasn’t too surprising, it still made you rethink how all of this happened.

"Come on N/N, let's go."

You shook the thought out of your head as you caught up with Dain, holding onto his cape so you didn’t get lost.

He turned to you, taking your hand off his cape, then intertwining his fingers with yours. 

There was a faint blush on the tips of his ears, his gaze leaving yours as he walked forward, not speaking a word.

You felt heat rush to your face, glancing down at his hand that was bigger than yours; slipped between your fingers and gripping firmly.

It's kinda like what Aether told me...

This is definitely more than friends.

Do I...love Dainsleif?

N-no way! There’s no way... I could I thought that you couldn’t fall in love with your friends!

Well, if I do... does he love me back?

I don’t understand.

This is difficult to understand.

Maybe I should talk to Aether again. He could tell me.

"Y/N. Are you listening?" He spoke carefully, ripping right through your thoughts.

"A-ah, yes! Sorry, I got lost in thought."

He sighed softly, tugging your hand forward so you now stand next to him, instead of behind.

"There’s going to be a lot of monsters. If you need help, come to me. I will protect you."

Those words made your heart flutter, he really does care about you.

"Ok. I'll be careful." He nodded to your response, then turned the corner to see a room full of traps and monsters, and an upside-down Statue of the Seven, the kind from Mondstadt.

You took out your claymore, tightening your grip on it as Dainsleif used his magic to increase his speed and ambush them.

Quickly springing into action, you threw your claymore into the centre of the monsters, water flowing from your worn-out weapon. Then quickly sprinting over to it, you grabbed it and started swinging, all of your attacks now converted into Hydro.

The monsters shrieked and tried to reach you, but you blocked them with your claymore, deflecting the attacks.

Dainsleif took on the Abyss Lector, using his momentum to dash around and slash it with his magic that had now sharpened into swords.

You laughed at the action, it felt good to get revenge on the monsters that tortured you endlessly for aeons.

Although you got hit on numerous occasions, you still managed to kill them all except one with Dainsleif.

You aimed to throw your claymore again, but Dainsleif stopped you.

There was an Abyss Herald laying helplessly on the floor. You glanced at Dainsleif, confused, before he used his magic to keep it still.

It grimaced at the feeling, squirming around as Dainsleif tightened his hold.

"I have questions that require answers. You will provide them. Now." He spoke intimidatingly.

STELLAR SAVIOR▪︎{dainsleif x reader}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя