"The Book of the Invisible Sun, Astronomia Nova, Codex Imperium, Key of Solomon." he set the last book down on the table and returned his gaze to Stephen with a cocked eyebrow, "You finished all of this?

"Yup." he popped the P at the end of the word. Reading the titles once again, Wong had realized hay it was the same book titles that Lenore had told him about. He looked at Stephen once again with a raised eyebrow, giving him a judging look.

Stephen noticed this but opted not to meet his gaze, which was making him feel uncomfortable.

"Come with me."

Stephen nodded, quietly letting out a sigh while Wong followed him deeper into the library. He remembered the rows of books that were chained onto it when he first came here with Lenore.

"This section is for Masters only, but with my discretion, others may use it." Won't then walked to the other side of the row, approaching the first row of chained-up books and taking one from it, "You should start with Maxim's Primer."

Wong walked around the first row then got to the second, taking another book out from its chains. "How's your Sanskrit?"

"Uh, I'm fluent in Google Translate." Stephen answered. Stephen was observing the room when Wong approached him and placed two books in his hands.

"Vedic, classics Sanskrit." He instructed Stephen as Wong proceed to go to the other side of the room, allowing Stephen to wander further in the library. He noticed right away, the books that caught his eye when he first arrived at the Library, the glowing cover was compelling to him.

"What are those?" Stephen pointed a shaky finger towards the row of books with the glowing covers.

Wong's gaze followed where Stephen was pointing at. "The Ancient One's private collection."

"So they're forbidden?"

Wong looked up from the books he had been collecting. "No knowledge on Kamar-Taj is forbidden. Only certain practices. Those books are far too advanced for anyone other than the Sorcer Supreme and little Lenore."

"Lenore?" Stephen perked up at the mention of his name, a small smile forming on his lips. It was adorable how Wong addressed her.

"She was a candidate for Sorcerer Supreme. Studied under the Ancient One herself but she turned it down."

"Any reason as to why not?" At that point, Stephen was walking up to the book, eyeing it quizzically, until Wong spoke again, drawing Stephen's attention back to him.

"She says it's too much of a responsibility and she feels that she is  not worthy of the title."

Stephen wanted to ask more but decided that it wasn't the time. He wanted to know more about the girl, but considering how Wong looked at him, he felt like it had been because of Lenore.

While Wong proceeded with finding other books for Stephen's study, Stephen had turned his head back the Ancient One's collection before he unchained one of them and plucked it out of its display. He opened the book and stumbled upon a random page.

"This one got pages missing." Stephen stated, running the pads of his fingers on the ripped pages.

"That's the book of Cagliostro, a study of time. One of the rituals was stolen by a former Master. The Zealot, Kaecillius," Wong picked up another book, checked whether it was the right one, "Just after he strung up the former librarian... and relieved him of his head."

Wong walked back towards Stephen and stood close to him.

"I am now the guardian of these books. So if a volume from this collection should be stolen again... I'd know it and you'd be dead before you ever left the compound."

Wong closed the book shut with a loud thump, making Stephen flinch

"What if it's just overdue? Any late fees I should know about? Maiming, perhaps?" He asked, it was his attempt at making Wong at least laugh, maybe a chuckle. But Wong barely showed any emotion.

"People used to think that I was funny."

"Did they work for you?" Wong quickly retorted.

"All right, well, it's been lovely talking to you. Thank you for the books... and for the horrifying story... and for the threat upon my life." Stephen said as he picked up all the books that Wong had given him before walking out of the library.

"You already finished all those books?"

Stephen's head perked up at the familiar voice and saw Lenore standing next to Wong's table, looking like she was waiting for him.

"I did." Stephen glanced back at the library, "Are you airing for Wong?"

"I am. I'm returning a book. You know how he is." She grimaced,

"He just threatened me seconds ago so." Stephen placed a hand on the back of his neck, a chuckle escaped his lips. "Lenore, I was hoping, if-if you don't mind....uhm..."

She canted her head to the side, giving him a puzzled look while Stephen tried to formulate the words in his head.

"Can you teach me?" He said in a low voice that Lenore barely picked up. She raised her eyebrow and leaned towards Stephen.

"I'm sorry, can you—"

"Teach me." He blurted out loud, making Lenore jump slightly.

"Well, I am going to teach you soon and I don't know why—"

"No," he cut her off, "I mean, teach me. Alone."

She cocked an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, what? Alone?"

"You know, I could go to your room at night, train there? In other words, can you give me some private lessons?" He added, "If it's okay with you, of course."

It took Lenore a while before she responded.


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