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Seonghwa has never felt so restless.

He wandered around the entire weekend hoping to see his special someone, and still not once did that short pretty man.

Seonghwa went to all the places Hongjoong liked to go, he visited one of Hongjoong's friend's workplaces and even walked around the neighborhood he believes the younger resides.

Still, absolutely nothing.

He had not seen the boy once.

And it made him angry.

Was the boy hiding from him? Did he not want to see him anymore? Did he find out about Seonghwa's love for him? Where did he go?

He spends the rest of his weekend wearing Hongjoong's sweater and trying not to cry, suddenly a deep sadness overtaking his anger.

Whatever Hongjoong was mad at him for, Seonghwa deserved it. He would take the consequences without question. After all, he did something and he would pay the price.

Monday morning comes around and Seonghwa saunters into school with deep eye bags and messy hair.

He had a terrible dream the night before where Hongjoong confessed he never wanted to see him again. It felt like the only good thing that happened to him was taken away and he was miserable. Desperately wishing to be in Hongjoong's arms while the other whispers his worries away.

It was a dream Seonghwa was determined to have. one that he knows he will have.

And would see him during school, he was set on it.

"Hey, Hyung, you okay?" He looks up to see Jeong Yunho, president of KQ high, "you look a little.."

"I'm fine, Yunho."

He's on his last string of sanity.

"Okay, well, there's an emergency meeting, someone can't find the money for the dance-"

He drowns out the rest of his words. Seonghwa's mind repeating emergency meeting like speakers in his head.

He would kill whoever interrupted his time with Hongjoong.

His mood sours even further.

Turns out the money wasn't gone, it was a miscalculation on the treasurer's part. All the council members softly reprimand the girl while Seonghwa wants her head.

He spends the rest of his classes free of Hongjoong.

(That fucking treasurer-)

During lunch, he sighs. Finally, he'd get what he'd want.

In the cafeteria he looks around eagerly, waiting to hear that laughter that fills his heart.

When he doesn't find him in the cafeteria he walks around the halls.

The halls are empty.

He checks every bathroom he knows, only to find the occasional couple making out or kids smoking.

He checks the outside yard, only for it to be filled with random friend groups and sports practicing.

So, Seonghwa does the only thing he feels he can do.

He cries.

Of frustration and stress. Of being devoid of the only important person in his life, only leaving an ugly empty feeling. Seonghwa cries.

He wears Hongjoong's sweater the rest of the day.

The sweater slowly loses its scent, Seonghwa's fresh one overpowering it.

While thinking about ways to get a new one, he realizes there is one more place he hasn't checked. He knows he'll go after school for sure.

Before walking those doors he stops in the bathroom. Facing the mirror, he takes off the jacket, folding it neatly before putting it back in his bag. He fixes and brushes out his hair.

Seonghwa pulls out a small bag with different makeup in it and covers up his dark circles. He makes his eyes bigger and lips glossier.

Once he decides he looks good enough, he gathers up the courage to walk through the doors of the music club.

He bows to everyone before sitting down at an empty chair.

One of the club leaders, the same person who was with Hongjoong yesterday comes around, "what's the Vice President doing in my humble club?"

He smiles, "just making sure the clubs are doing well," he lies, "by the way, where's the other one-"

"Oh, Hongjoong? He's absent today.. family problems, y'know?"

"Oh... yeah, yeah, I know."

"He'll be back tomorrow."

Seonghwa leaves the room right after that.
Seonghwa would be a person who knows all about family problems and he would never wish that on his love. If Hongjoong's family is giving him trouble, keeping him away from his baby (Seonghwa), he would take it all away from him. He'd carry the weight of stress for him in a heartbeat. He'd do it with a smile.
If only he knew how.

Seonghwa goes home disappointed to find out Hongjoong's scent no longer clings to his jacket.

He really needs a new one, again.

The day after that, Seonghwa tries extra hard to look his best. He puts on his most sparkly makeup, his prettiest lipstick, curls his long hair. Tucks in his uniform neatly and prepares himself in the mirror.

What smile would he give Hongjoong today? A soft shy one? His lips barely pulled back, eyes big and innocent. Would he like that one?

Maybe a smirk? A sly look. One end of his lips pulled up a little higher than the other, one eyebrow raised. Would that turn him on?

A giggle escapes his lips, a genuine smile overtakes his sharp features. Once he catches it in the mirror it drops quickly, Hongjoong wouldn't like that one.

Anyways, he can't wait to see Hongjoong today.

Walking- no he practically runs to school excited, he gets there and glances around the dingy place.

He hears his voice!

Seonghwa releases a relieved sigh. But- in an angry tone, it makes his smile falter but at least he is here.

Hongjoong is here!

He walks towards the source, when his eyes fall on his love his smile drops completely.

A girl is hanging off him, her arms around his waist, kissing upon his neck. Wearing the shortest skirt Seonghwa had ever seen, the bottom of the uniform top rolled up to show off her midriff.

A girl is hanging off him.

amour // sgj Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora