Its them again.

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    New day, new challange, the guys were now in Corpus on the beach and Sal was up. the guys stood to the side hiding. Murr looked toward the water and noticed four girls. One of course stood out because she was still wearing black clothes on a hot beach. The other three girls all wearing bikini's stood soaking their feet in the water. Murr tapped joe on the arm "thats ninja girl and her friends!" he said in desbelief. "How did they end up here?" Joe shrugged "I dont know.. thats weird" Q smiled "she's a ninja.. remember her mama told you". "no Jesus told him" Sal said laughing. A couple passing by looked at Sal weird. Joe laughed "stop talking to yourself my man!"

    Murr walked over to the four girls fogetting about the challange. The guys followed behind him. "Come on Murr lets just get this challange over with" Sal complained "its to hot to be standing out here" Murr ignored Sal's protest and continued walking

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