💚Best Writer💚

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Best Writer of July 2021 event....


Her Name: Anishka

Her article....

Savior for Environment

The ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1986, is one of the biggest step to protect our environment by Indian Government... As the title suggests, this act acts as a savior for our environment.. Government took this decision after witnessing the destruction of human life, plants life and property in Bhopal Gas Tragedy which occured on 2nd of December, 1984, which is considered as the worst gas tragedy ever.. Over 15,000 people died on the spot and lakhs were affected...

The act was passed in may, 1986 and came into force on 19 November, 1986..
Main purpose of this act was to protect environment.. Before the launch of this act, people thought of environment as a toy to play with, no one value about the environment, not even government... This act brought a positive result, people valued for the environment more than before, government got the power to give direction to closure of hazardous industies, prohibition, regulation of industries and pollution...

This act leads to restrictions in many areas... Some are, Uttarakhand, Aravali Regions in Alwar, Rajasthan, Coastal zones and ecologically sensitive zones, etc...

Let us know more about this act,

The most prominent features of this act were:

•)Government took important measures to protect and improve the environment..

•) It Coordinates the actions of State governments, authorities, and officers.

•) Government Plan as well as execute the methods to spread awareness regarding importance and prevention of environment...

•)Government Restrict areas where industries or their processes can or cannot be carried out like public places..

•)Establish safeguards for the management of hazardous substances
Examine processes, substances, and materials liable to cause environmental pollution.

•) Inspects the pollution check and various other things of an industry..

People who don't follow the policies of this act and are involved in endagering human life, can be sent behind the bars...

Benefits of the act:

•) Protects public health: Under this act, government check the amount of harmful gases like carbon-di-oxide, carbon-monoxide, methane etc. released from industries and factories, which automatically will low air quality index and provide fresh and pure air to breathe in, which will surely help in good health of society..

•) Prevent legacy for future generations: The environment act not only protects the present generation but also provide future generation to live in a better place...

•) Prevents ecological intergrity: It empowers communities and protects the environment by taking strict action against polluters.

•) Proper waste managements: Proper waste management definitely protects the environment, the law instructs industries that they must dispose their waste materials according to the set standards and procedure..

Demerits of the act:

Firstly, it omits forests from its ambit and does not provide for the protection of forests. There is nothing mentioned in act to save forests and avoid deforestation...

Further, another potential drawback of the Act could be its centralization. While such wide powers provided to the Centre can facilitate effective and expedient action, they are also liable to arbitrariness and misuse because, central can't handle all the things alone, the act should have been given power to state also, that would be easier and more convenient to implement the law..

Furthermore, the definition of environment pollutants are not well defined, the pollution by heat radiation, emmision, vibrations etc. are not mentioned which are equally harmful..

The Act is also silent on public participation, because not only the government but citizens also should understand the importance of environment...


The act brings positive steps in the welfare of environment, but still it lacks some important points which are needed to understand... It lacks from comprehensiveness. India is a soft state in the topic of environment conservation, reasons are that the lawa like Act 1986, are not well defined, citizens are not aware about the environment preservation, and also it is influenced with corruption and politics...
This need to be stop... Such laws should be more powerful and the citizens should realise their duties.. It is our habitat and it's everyone's responsibility to save it.. The participationof all the individuals is needed for the better implementation of laws like Environmental Protection act 1986...
It's our responsibility to give a healthier and safe environment to each other and also the future generation..

Thank you for reading....

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