"Hey, you haven't met Bucky, have you?" Nat asked, as you were clearing up to end your night together.


She nodded, "Yeah, Steve's best friend, he's the best man at the wedding."

"Oh right," You nodded, "I remember you mentioning him, but no, I haven't met him yet."

"He's arriving tomorrow, he's going to stay here until the wedding." She said before pausing, "You should stop by and meet him."

"Sure,"  You replied, "I'll stop by after work."

Popping the lid on your disposable coffee cup you allowed the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee to breathe through your nose, a small smile appearing on the corner of your lips.

You double checked your office was locked before swinging your bag over your shoulder and making your way down the corridor towards the exit.

That was until you crashed right into someone's chest, your coffee flying everywhere and completely soaking your previously crisp white shirt.

"Fuck." You groaned, as fresh, hot coffee dripped down your now soggy clothes.

Ugh, all because some asshole was texting while walking and not paying any attention to where he was going.

"Oops, are you alright?" The guy asked.

Oops? Seriously? God, you hate this man already.

You looked up, a grim expression on your face.

You quickly took in the mans appearance, he had short chestnut brown hair combed back and held in position with what you guessed was hair gel, he had striking blue eyes that reminded you of sunny days on the beach, a practically perfect jawline, and a workout shirt that clung to his chest that was obviously the total wall of muscle you just walked into.

"Do I look okay?" You snapped, bending down and gathering up the books that had fallen out of your bag.

He knelt down to help you pick up your books, glancing at each title as he done so.

"You like astronomy?" He asked, as he handed you a book on the subject.

Why is this guy asking me questions? I'm running late for Nats and can't be bothered with this shit today, especially everything that's happened today...

"I'm writing an article on it, the books were for research." You replied, hoping that if you answered then he would just leave you the fuck alone. "But yeah, I'm fascinated by it."

After you replied you screwed your eyes shut, realising that by saying you did in fact like the subject he would be interested in talking to you for longer. Maybe if after you opened your eyes this annoying man would just disappear.

You internally groaned as you noticed his face light up now knowing that you were interested in the subject.

"I'm sorry about your coffee, I should have been more careful."

"It's fine." You lied, the tone in your voice making it blatantly obvious that you were lying.

"I'm James by the way." He said, flashing a flirtatious smile.


Great now you sounded like a bitch, well when you were cold and wet and pissed off at some random man that you just met.

You mentally cursed yourself for not telling him your name back, you might have been angry but it didn't mean you had to be rude.

"Again, I'm sorry about the coffee." He signed, gesturing towards the empty coffee cup in your hand. "I can replace it if you want, Saturday afternoon maybe?"

play pretend | BUCKY BARNES Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ