It was the first time Ushijima found his idol. It was always thought he admired other volleyball players. But it was false. It was a scientist he met during a school trip. Was he impressed with her knowledge? Maybe. But her passion for her work won him over. Although he knew early on, volleyball was meant to be his career, and he knew astronomy was going to be a hobby for him forever because of that female scientist.

As the conference ended, the kids hurdled near the cafe near the space centre.

Ushijima's eyes glittered with the options with cupcakes, and ice-cream, muffins. He rarely was allowed to have it. He couldn't spend his pocket money as he wanted to save it to see his father in future. Ushijima led a pretty lonely life.

"Tendou, your mother is here to pick you up. You can go with her. I'll notify your class." The teacher spoke. Tendou frowned.

"I wanted to play with you more Wakatoshi, why did she come to pick me up early. I am so sorry she gets worried easily. Oh I remember we were suppose to get yakisoba...after this. AaaAAAhh..." Tendou spoke.

"Its okay, go ahead...." Ushijima spoke stoically.

But you are my only friend...don't leave Tendou.... Ushijima thought inside. But it would hold anyway because Tendou, too, would leave Ushijima after high school for Paris.

Will I always be alone? He thought.

He was given a bland lunch. Ushijima ate alone. He didn't mind, but he wished for better someday. Someone who wanted him to eat good food that made his taste buds celebrate.

"Oi kid, this lunch looks bland.... why your other classmates having good stuff and not you." Ushijima heard a woman sat beside him. It was that scientist.

" Dr L/N" Ushijima stood up out of respect.

"I have to eat this because...." Ushijima explained to her subtly. Her face narrowed out of little grunt.

"So you a sweet tooth like me huh?" She chuckled.

Ushijima was a little terrified.

"Don't worry, I'll keep this as a secret." she continued.

"Do you know, we astronauts are under a strict diet but we can still eat sweet things. My favourite is black forest cake slice. I have it everyday. Nutrition is not about depriving yourself from good food. If you play volleyball, you deserve to eat tons of calories and sweets. " The scientist spoke casually, a little bored. Her eyes focused on Ushijima later to not dishearten him.

Ushijima never heard someone say he deserved to eat good food.

"I can never restrict my daughter having the food she like. Hold up...." The scientist got up. She opened her wallet in front of the shopkeeper. Did Ushijima see pity in her eyes?

Ushijima saw a photo of her and a little girl of his age. She had the same eyes as the scientist. The girl was holding a little toy knife as the scientist hugged her. It was behind a kitchen. He noticed their distinct eyes yet similar. Although the eye colour didn't have a shocking feature, he noticed the similarities between both of them uncanny. Happy and thoughtful, it reminded him of his father and himself.

"Oi kid!! come here..." the scientist whispered.

Ushijima looked around as his teacher was busy with the other kids.

"Quickly put these cupcakes inside your bag. Eat secretly." she continued whispering. Ushijima wanted to deny the gift, but it was impossible.

"Why are you? I don't know how to accept it?" He stuttered.

"hmm...I miss my daughter. She is umm way mature than me to be honest. But I love talking and being invited to talk to children. I feel in a way, I am giving back to my daughter. So I guess, buying you cup-cakes in a way means I am buying her cupcakes right?....Sorry I got little emotional, it's been a while I saw her little face." She said, softly looking up to let her tears drown back to your eyes.

She pats Ushijima's head.

"See ya kid...."

And just like that, she left. He wanted to ask her more questions about space, about food, about her. But he was only 10. he was nervous; he was always stoic. Words were difficult. Expressions were not his forte. Ushijima wished he was more expressive. He wished he asked his father to stay, his best friend to stay.

Several years passed by, he remembered her name.

Only to meet the little girl in her wallet, to be his reality.

The night he entered with his secret.

Slowly realising he cannot lose y/n for what he lacked.


"Don't you ever disappear on me again like that. Y/n please...don't every leave me like that ever again." Ushijima's voice broke. My heart stopped.

The pain in his voice was different. He held onto my body as if he was going to lose me.

I felt his tears drop on my shoulders.

I knew he felt mine on his as well.

Two lonely souls afraid to let go.

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