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Amber thinks maybe Joe figured out she's pregnant and this is his way of letting her know. But he's not even paying attention to what she's doing now, he's busy helping Joey. Wouldn't he have made sure she opened this with him standing by if it was from him?

"Oh gosh did I forget to put my name on my gift for Joey? How forgetful of me."

Amber turns to see Sam looking over her shoulder at the little shirt. "Sam? Why would you get this shirt for Joey?" Andi steps closer to Sam. "Sam what game are you playing at now?"

Sam smiles at Andi, then down at Amber. "No games. I just thought Joey might like that, since he's going to be a big brother. That's all."

Amber pushes her chair back, causing it to make a very loud screeching sound on the floor. She gets right in Sam's face, sick of her shit. "What the fuck are you talking about?" She can't imagine how Sam found out she's pregnant but she doesn't like that she's trying to announce it to everyone when it's really none of her business.

Everyone is quiet now, looking in their direction. Joe is by Amber's side just in time to hear what Sam has to say. "I'm pregnant, that's what the fuck I'm talking about Amber. Joe and I are having a baby." Amber turns to Joe. "Joe? Is that true?" She can see by the look on his face that this is the first time he's hearing this as well.

"Sam what are you talking about? We haven't been together since before the marathon." Sam smiles so sweetly at Joe. "I know Joe, it was two days before the marathon. We were out on that jogging trail, in the woods. You were so turned on from watching my ass in those tiny shorts I had on. You couldn't wait to get home, you kept saying you had to have me right there. You didn't have a condom, remember. Well now Joey's going to be a big brother."

Amber stares daggers at Sam. Then she turns to look at Joe. His face tells her that Sam's telling the truth. They fucked, without a condom, out on a jogging trail and now psycho was having Joe's baby. Amber takes the tshirt and hands it to Joe before she walks away. She needs to get away from this bitch. And to be completely honest she wanted away from Joe too. This was a disaster. Joe would be stuck with Sam for the rest of his life. That meant, as long as Amber was with Joe she'd also be stuck with her. Amber didn't think she could be stuck with Sam.

Jordan and James stop Amber as she walks towards her and Joe's bus. "Amber sweetie, what's going on? What just happened?"

"Ask Joe." She says as she moves past them. She needed to be alone for a just a minute. That's all she needed, a minute. She needed to scream and throw something. Amber knows she can't be mad at Joe, they weren't back together when this incident happened. This incident that resulted in a child with his crazy bitch friend/ex lover. She needed just one minute to be mad at him for being so fucking stupid. After that she'd let it go and support her husband.

Joe stares at Sam. "Are you sure? And it's definitely mine?" Sam looks hurt, "Yes I'm sure. And Jesus Joe, of course it's yours. You know I wasn't sleeping with anyone else. It was only you. We're going to have such a beautiful baby. Joe don't you see this is a blessing. Please be happy for us."

Joe can feel his stress level rising. This can't be happening to him. How could he have been so stupid? He remembers the day Sam is talking about. His memory is a little different than how Sam described it though. He'd been upset that Amber was dating someone and seemed to be moving on. His emotions had been all over the place about it and he couldn't concentrate on anything else. He was having problems keeping his mind on track during their run that day. That was why he had been running behind Sam that day, not because he'd been watching her ass in those tiny shorts. Not that he hadn't noticed, he was only human after all. He'd pulled Sam off the trail and fucked her up against a tree because he needed to forget Amber for a little while. It had worked too, until he came. Then Amber was right there again, first and foremost on his mind.

Now, because of that moment of weakness, he was going to have another kid, but not with his wife. "Sam, don't you think talking to me in private would have been a better way of letting me know about this? Did you really think my son's birthday party was the right place to drop this bomb on me and my wife? You were wrong for doing it this way. How could I possibly be happy about this when you've turned into this mean spirited person that I barely even recognize anymore? You know what Sam, I think you should leave. We can talk about this when I'm not so pissed. Right now I think I'd only have really hateful things to say to you and I don't want to do that. So please just go."

Joe turns to go before she can say anything else. He has to find Amber. Make sure she's okay. He doesn't see her  when he walks through the party. Andi and Jordan approach him first. "Joe you are such a fucking dumbass." Joe knows Andi speaks the truth but he's not in the mood right now. "Where's Amber?" Jordan sees Joe is seriously worried and decides not to question him. "She went to your bus. Don't worry about Joey, we've got him. Go find Amber." Joe thanks Jordan and starts to run for their bus.

When he gets to the bus, he finds Amber cleaning up a few broken plates and several broken glasses. But she seems calm to him. Which he thinks might be worse than if she was hysterical. "Amber? Are you okay? I'm so sorry about this. I really fucked up didn't I? Please try to forgive me. It happened before you and I got back together."

Amber stops cleaning up and looks at Joe. "Joe I'm fine. I'm not mad at you. It was before we started over. I can't blame you for that and I can't hold it against you. We promised each other that the past was behind us. I just needed a minute to myself to get angry, now I'm fine. I promise Joe, I'm fine. We're fine. I'm not ever leaving you again." She wraps her arms around him and holds him so tightly. Joe finally exhales. "I love you Joseph McIntyre."

He's so relieved. "I love you too Amber. What am I going to do about Sam? I was so stupid. God I don't want a baby with her. I want a baby with you."

Amber smiles against his chest. She'd hoped her good news was going to be given to him in a better way. But now seemed like the perfect time. "Well looks like you're getting what you want then."

Joe looks down at her, she still has her face buried in his chest. There are tears in her eyes when she finally looks up at him. "I'm pregnant Joe."

Miss You More (A Joey McIntyre/Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ