"Should we be concerned?" Takeo looked worried.

"Nah, he just hasn't cleaned his house in a really long time so it looks more like a dumpster." I can't even imagine,  actually I don't even want to imagine how his house looks. 

"Alright then director, we'll see you tomorrow! Bye Hyung's! Bye Ahjussi!" Ikhan and the girls waved goodbye as they were exiting the house with Regis and Seira right behind them. 

(A/N: This has nothing to do  with the story, but I have a notebook with my ideas in it and I just tried to open it by double tapping, which is how I unlock my phone. I think I might be spending too much time with technology...)

I went in the kitchen and started making dinner, Tao and Takeo started setting the table and
M-21 went on patrol. Once Seira, Regis and M-21 got back I took all of the plates to the table and we started eating. 

"Alright, M-21 and Takeo please clean the dishes, Tao and Regis please clean the living room, and Seira please help Master in anything he needs. I'll be in my lab if you need anything, but don't disturb me unless Master needs something, the Union is attacking, or someone is dying."

Everyone gave me a simple nod so I went downstairs to see how the experiment was reacting. Up till now there wasn't any major change so I will leave the experiment for about four months and if the blood cells are still alive without any weird mutations then the experiment was a success. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Still Frankesntein's POV but about four months later

"Okay, so there aren't any major changes in your bodies since our last check up. The only thing different is that your bodies do seem more stable. I say this all the time but I will say it again, do not push yourselves too much and if you ever feel different tell me immediately. Any questions?"

No matter how many times I say this they still continue to go way beyond their limits, so I have to say it every time.

"What happen to the experiment that you needed our blood samples for?" Oh, right. I forgot about that.

"Let me go take a look."

We started walking to where I had left the experiment and I opened the compartment where it was stored and pulled it out. I took the blood samples and put them under a microscope. It all looks normal, they look the same as when I first left them here. But I can't be sure if I can call it a success.

"Okay, the blood samples look normal, no noticeable mutations and no signs of dying anytime soon. That may also be  because you guys already have mutations." I let them all have a look at the samples and them a look at some more recent samples. 

"So how would we know if the experiment was a success or not?" That's a very good question.

"Well, to run a proper test we would need to inject this to a lot of people and just see how long it takes them to die." It sounds bad but that's the only way we can accurately test this one. i turned around to put everything back in it's place when I heard the sound of shattering glass. I tough that maybe they broke an empty beaker so I didn't pay much attention.

"Uh, Boss? Don't get mad but I just dropped a flask with a pink substance in it and it's releasing a red smoke. " I stopped and turned back to see them trying to pick everything up but that smoke was starting to fill the room and I started to get sleepy.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Raizel's POV

I was in the living room doing algebra homework with Regis and Seira, but I felt my connection with Frankenstein disappear momentarily before coming back. But it felt different. I knew it was Frankenstein but it didn't feel the same. This presence felt younger. The last time something like this happened he had turned into a child and I had to wait until he was grown enough to remember how to use his lab and turn himself back to normal. 

Not wanting to go trough that parenting phase again I got up and went to check on Frankenstein. As per usual Regis and Seira followed me downstairs into the lab. 

The automatic doors opened up and we stepped inside. I was expecting to see Frankenstein turned into a child but I was not expecting to see three modified humans also turned into children. "Sigh" I can't believe I have to go trough this again with not one but four children this time. If Frankenstein by himself was a real headache I can't imagine the migraines I will get with these three.

"Did Frankenstein keep human children in his lab?" After hearing Regis' voice all four children turned to look at us and Tao, or at least who I assume is him, started crying. I bent down and picked him up. 

"I believe that they are Frankenstein, Tao, Takeo, and M-21." 

"And you would be correct Seira." After Tao calmed down A bit I placed him on a nearby bed and went for the others to put them there as well.

"How long will they remain like this?" Last time Frankenstein couldn't even stand up by himself and it wasn't until he was above my waist in height that he managed to turn himself back. Now he can at least stand by himself but he is barely above my knee.

"Until Frankenstein can remember how to use his lab again. It shouldn't take long." 

"Will we be taking care of them until then?" I gave her a simple nod.

"What will we do if the children come and visit? Or if Frankenstein is needed at the school?"

I don't know. I guess only time will tell.

To be continued... (For real this time)


A/N: And we are back with the s****y endings. But Don't worry this time I DO plan on making a continuation.

Whit that out of the way I want to apologize for lying to y'all, I know I said I would try to update every two weeks but I took more than that to write this. Like I said in a previous chapter I got a job, so I had to get used to my new schedule and figure out what times work best for me to write. I finally got used to it so I should be able update a bit more frequently now. 

Anyways I think that's all I have to say, I hope you enjoyed!!! Until next time!!!💜💜💜

Ps: I promise that this time I WILL write a continuation of this. 

Noblesse OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ