I's Seen a Family

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David corrected Race before he could stop himself, making Race look at him funnily.



"You said 'give'... the proper grammar is 'gave'..."

David had expected Race to get upset with him about his correction, but to his surprise, Race kept talking.

"Alright, I seen th'Motha gave the pape to her kid,"

David winced at the misuse of the word once again, but kept his mouth shut.

"But I's got a goods look at her b'fore she bought the pape from me, and when she w's buyin' the pape... an'... she was my Motha."

Race stopped talking for a moment. His words sounded crazy, but he knew the woman was his Mother. He had no doubt about it.

"Are you sure?"

Race was quick to answer.


His steely tone threw David off guard, but he made sure to not sound hurt when he spoke.


"An' it hurts, 'cuz she's was walkin', and theys was laughin' and the kid was happy... an' she wasn' with m'Fatha. She has a new family an'... an' she's happy with them, and theys happy with her... she didn' even recognize me, David. I's was just anotha kid on th' street ta her,"

David felt absolutely horrible for Race. He couldn't even imagine what he must have felt like right now. If David ever saw his Mother or his Father, and they didn't know he was their Son... it made him depressed to think about.

"An' it wasn' like she's was a good Motha or nuthin'. She used ta... well, I's would come over, and she would be actin' all fione, then she would tell m'Father 'bout me comin' over t'her house, jus' t'make him jealous, y'know? I's would wonder if she's even loved me..."

David's eyebrows furrowed, and he looked Racetrack intensely in the eyes.

"Of course she loved you. She was your Mother."

Race only rolled his eyes at David's words.

"Ha. Jus' 'cuz she's my Motha doesn' mean she's loved me. F'r all I's knows I's was just a mistake, an' not the mistake they used ta call me, like a actual mistake,"

Race shrugged, feeling like he was sharing too much, but he couldn't help it. This felt good to say, and he hated to admit it, but David was an amazing listener.

"My Fatha wasn' any better. I liked beings at m'Mothas place more, though. He was more physical, when m'Motha would jus' mess with m'mind,"

David nodded, not knowing what to say. He knew he needed to think of something, and so he said what came first to his head.

"Well, you have us now. Screw your Mother, and screw your Father. We're your family now, and we will always be. We're not going to leave, or abandon you... I'm sorry that happened to you bu-"

"Don' say sorry when it ain't yer fault,"

"-t you can go ahead and forget about all of that because it's never going to happen again."

Race smiled for a moment. Even though he had interrupted David what he said was still beautiful, and he was happy to have a friend like him.

"Thanks, David,"

Racetrack looked at the ground, and David spoke in a playful voice, clearly joking with him.

"Now enough sentimental stuff, the boys are worried sick about you... I swear Spot and Albert were just about ready to murder a Cop,"

Race raised an eyebrow, not totally sure how his disappearance was linked to murdering a Cop, but he still felt honoured that his friends would do that for him. David stood, brushed the dirt from his hands on his pants, then offered his hand to Race. Race greatfully took it, stood, then let go, pulling him into a side hug, walking out of the alley.

"Ya know youse nice ta talk to,"

David smiled, happy that Race seemed to be feeling better.

"Well you can talk to me anytime,"

".... even when yer at home an' it's three in th' mornin'....?"

David paused, staring at Race who seemed to be holding back a grin.

"You know that isn't what I meant-"


S E N D R E Q U E S T S , I will do any ship, any au, any story :)

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