Leave a light on

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A long time ago, before stars filled the skies illuminating the path for travellers, people would huddle around their light, candle, campfire the moment the sun sets. They feared the creatures that hunted in the dark and light would repel them. Those who couldn't make it in before it happens would trek in the darkness, risking their light source burning out, whereas some hide, hoping they would survive the night.

During that time, there was much to be done in the world, much evil to quell, much good to do. There was a chosen who was told to move here, which was just a layover port for many then. She was ordered to spread her faith to the land of the tribes, and she met the love of her life. Maybe it was the way he looked, or the way he emitted light, she knew that this was more than just fate or destiny, this was her reward for her faith. But the simple leatherworker that she married didn't understand it. He was born and raised here and fell in love with her at first sight spreading the gospel of her God. But he didn't care what she thought as long as they both felt the same way about each other. But when she was told that she was needed again to break the cycle of evil, she willingly left her life behind to do it.

There wasn't much entertainment back then, no weekly arenas, no market districts, no gambling, so the couple often spent their time right here. This spot used to be able to take in the whole town then, and then a simple turn would allow you to take in the ocean with all her horizons. Imagine a sea without any ships, just the sun, the horizon and the sea. That would be what they saw then. They always said that they'll do this till their dying days, but they knew with this pilgrimage it would lower their chances of doing so.

But he loved her so much that he believed what she believed.

But he was not one to accept what the gods, or in her case, Nazareth have planned, what little agency an individual might have over a goddess. Both of them made a promise to each other, to always keep a light on so they would be safe.

And with that, she embarked on her quest.

He hung a lantern outside of their house, hoping this would give her direction back home to him.

But as days, weeks, months passed, he always felt he could do more. So he went up to their spot, with only an axe, a lantern and hope that she could see their home from wherever she was. This elm tree served as shade for them now served as timber as he started to build upwards into the skies. It was seven stories tall, which was a feat back then, and he hung the brightest light he could find up there.

We don't know if she completed her mission, or whether it ended in success or failure, but I'd like to think that she did.

The night was no longer treacherous and the monsters felt like a distant memory. One routine night, as he was looking out on the horizon for a sign of a ship, he instead found the light of a star.

I'd like to think that she had to sacrifice herself in order to save the world, but when she finally took her place beside Nazareth, she saw her love beckoning her to return. Unable to communicate, she made stars, signalling that she is safe. And every night they let each other know they're waiting for each other till the day they meet again.  Unfortunately for them, the stars are too important for other travellers for them to cease. This is why to this day, they are yet to meet because if they do, the nights would turn dark again.

This is the story of this lighthouse, rumoured to be the first, guiding all the sailors out at sea to know that their loved ones are waiting for them to come home to Vertham.

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