Part I Blood on the New Moon Chapter 2

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TAYLOR WAS UP and out the door, usually at the club by 10:30 A.M. to prepare for her typical Monday-Friday day shift. A dancer can’t just roll out of bed and onto the center-pole stage without primping if she expected some sex-starved stud to lay down the big bucks for her company. Taylor was fortunate, however, blessed with an abundance of natural youthful beauty and charm, her makeup didn’t have to be perfect or outlandish—just enough foundation and highlighter to make her lovely face stand out.  

Her long, midnight-black mane only needed some periodic darkening to maintain that Goth look she liked. No extra effort went to force artificial curls or texture for her stripper’s coiffeur.  Natasha was in the bathroom when Taylor left, so she got the box of poems out of her closet and left them on the dining room table with a note.

Natasha never rushed her morning rituals which began in the living room performing a series of interpretive dance routines. Eyes closed, her free spirit was being refreshed to face the new day by moving to the mesmerizing vibe of Alice in Chains as she continued to spin and twirl. Circling one way, then the other, her arms waved slowly from high to low like a falcon’s wings in flight. Her wild morning hair reflected her untamed nature.  

A look of complete freedom and joy radiated from her face. Covered only in an old extra-large long-sleeved man’s white dress shirt, the enticing vision of her exotic form was on display as moving limb and wind pulled and pushed on a garment loosely held together by only one lower button fastened into the wrong eyelet. The display of pure childlike joy was sensual, yet transcended gender.

The enchanting episode ended, chest heaving, shirt stuck to skin with sweat, Natasha went to wash. A spiritual being for whom bathing took on meanings beyond cleanliness, Natasha prepared by drawing tepid water into the tub. The window shade was pulled down, darkening this now sacred chamber. Different colored candles were lit shading the walls with calm currents of flickering light. Smoking sage conjured up a meditative mood.  She slipped her naked sweaty body into the lightly lathered water after adding some lavender oil. There she lingered quietly for over an hour. Lost on an internal island, washing her body was of secondary concern to cleansing her soul.

When Natasha came out of her trance she took soap to cloth and gently followed a ritual path, first caressing her full firm breasts as hands passed along the living sculpture that was her Gesele-perfect body. Soaking in the scented oil, she prepared to face the new day by sweeping out any emotional cobwebs. Finally finding balance, her cleansing ritual ended. Next, she sought another source of soul sustenance.

A petit bikini covering her body, Natasha headed out to bake in the hot summer sun.  Directly behind Taylor’s home was an inland lake with a wall of warmed limestone rock slabs waiting to receive her pale skin. She sprawled across a large bath towel with music to refresh the ear and drink to refresh the palate while basking in the searing shafts of solar solace. She was in a semi public place, but that did not stop Natasha from taking measures to prevent tan lines.

Rolling over, breasts now buried beneath her, she unfastened her bikini straps baring her back. After enough time passed, and the rays had done their darkening deed, Natasha turned onto her back. Only her arms covered her breasts. In a display of modesty that could only be understood if one knew that this was a professional exotic dancer, she moved her arms and hands at varying times to various places to uncover pale skin.

An older man was sitting alone at his kitchen table paging through a newspaper on the 4th floor of a nearby condo complex when Natasha came out. As soon as she began peeling out of her bikini he was caught in the grip of the unfolding sensual escapade. Natasha couldn’t see him because of the glare on his window, but she felt his voyeuristic stare.  Aroused, the sexy sight much better than Viagra, he began masturbating and came when her arms slipped momentarily exposing both breasts.       

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