Abby:I just gave the order.

David:My son is still inside that mountain!

Abby:David, I know, and believe me, if there was any other way, I would have taken it. Turning to him, But I swear to you, as soon as we find someplace safe, we'll figure out a way to get them.

David Talking over Abby:I'm not going anywhere!

Abby Stonily:Yes, you are. The guard is leading the evacuation. If you stay, you'll be disobeying orders.

David Voice drops to a harsh whisper:Then order me to stay! The other parents of missing kids aren't going anywhere either! I can protect them.

Abby:I'd be ordering you to die. How is that going to help your son?

David:Abby, got your job back. Don't make me abandon mine.

Abby:Sergeant, pack your things. Report to Major Byrne. The Grounders attack at dawn. I want every man, woman, and child out of this camp by then. Is that clear?

Abby Harsher:Is that clear?

Mount weather.

Tsing:Based on these results, treatments of the blood of the 47 will never be enough to get us to the surface.

Cage:Why are you saying that like it's good news?

Tsing:Because it's made me start over. If treatments using their blood give us temporary immunity, how do we extend that immunity forever? By going to the source of their blood: bone marrow.

Cage:Oh. What would happen to the donors?

Tsing:There's three hundred and eighty-two of us. That's roughly eight procedures for each of the kids.

Cage:You didn't answer my question.

Tsing:Every one of the 47 would die.

Cage Referring to Dante:He'll never go for that.

Tsing:You have to convince him. Cage — we could be living on the ground within a month. All of us.

Cage:If your theory is correct.

Tsing:I'll worry about the science. You worry about your father.


Elena:We have to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out. Hold his leg down.

Lincoln grunts in pain.

Octavia:Shh, shh.

Octavia:Get so more.

Bellamy:Once the drug is out of his system, he'll be okay.

Octavia:You can't protect me from this one, big brother.

Nyko Gabs Octavia from behind; covers her mouth:Shh!

He pulls his hand from Octavia's mouth, and she turns around.

Octavia:Nyko? What are you doing here?

Nyko:The scouts have already arrived. The Commander is true to her word. If you do not leave, you will die Octavia. You saved my life from the Reapers. Now let me save yours. It's what Lincoln would've wanted.

Lincoln's feral scream sounds from inside the dropship.

Nyko quickly turns around, trying to find the source.

Nyko:What was that?

Octavia Sighs in resignation:That was Lincoln.

Bellamy:Your mom would be proud of you.

Who she was/ The 100 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ