Chapter 2

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Whopper Pov

I slowly woke up after hearing quiet talking next to me. I had a terrible headache. As I slowly started to look around me I realised I was in a bed in the nurses office.

"Oh Whopper woke up", I hear a familiar voice next to me say. It was Fundy, giving me a guilty smile as he went on to explain what happened: "So now we met in the hallway, right? That's probably the last thing you remember... And then you saw Jack. He didn't even approach you or anything. You just all of the sudden fainted and we had to bring you to the nurses office. And now you're awake.", he grinned nervously and gave me thumbs up. I slowly nodded in confusion, "Yup that's all I guess.", Fundy added.

After the nurse gave me some pain killers and asked for the thousandth time if I was sure I could leave without fainting again or needed an ice pack me and Fundy were able to go back to our Spanish class.

As we were sitting and listening to our teacher trying to explain some boring as stuff that I had no idea what it even was Fundy turned to me and whispered: "What I actually wanted to tell you this morning was, I heard my brother talk about a party Jackson Wang was holding this Friday, wanna come me with me?" I shrugged.
"Jack Manifold is also gonna be there", Fundy added and winked at me. "You know me too well." I shook my head as I answered and agreed on coming.

The rest of the week went on pretty smoothly like any other, Jack called me names, made fun of me and said stuff like me having limp salad or raw and weird smelling meat.
Not nice, but I grew used to it over the years.

Then at the end of the week the day of Jackson Wangs party arrived.
I had never been to any of Jackson Wangs parties, but I had heard a lot of stories about them. From people getting into the hospital because of alcohol poisoning to one party being ended by the police, because it escalated.

At nine pm Wolfgang came to pick me up with his broomstick and we were ready to go.


This is now also on Ao3 (139808p19)

Did You Get A Whopper?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora