The Valkyrie

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"The trouble is you think you have time."


Athena was stood next to Phillips

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Athena was stood next to Phillips. Peggy was on his other side as they listened for the all-clear from Morita. They waited with bated breath and weapons raised. Athena just prayed that Steve hadn't miscalculated and he and the rest of the team were dead or in desperate need of help.

"We're in! Assault team, go!" Morita's voice called down the line breaking Athena's worrying.

"Move out!" Phillips shouted.

Everybody sprang into action. Weapons raised as they ran into the base. They were shooting at anything that moved and wasn't on their team. Athena ran in tandem with Peggy.

"Keep your spacing!" Phillips shouted.

Athena looked around her to ensure that no one got too close, just in time to see the man next to her get vaporised. Then, on instinct, Athena jinxed away as she carried on running.

Athen stumbled slightly as she ran down the hill, but she kept going, never stopping as she ran to the base. Athena could see as HYDRA retreated to try to get away from the ceaseless onslaught they were facing. Athena grinned triumphantly as they breached the front gate.

As they entered the courtyard, explosions went off. Killing even more HYDRA agents.

Athena followed Phillips as they breached the facility. Then, keeping her gun raised, she waited.

"Cut off one head," A HYDRA agent yelled as he ran around the corner, "two more shall..."

But he never finished his sentence as Phillips shot him, "Let's go find two more!"

Athen laughed. Then, noticing a different door, Athena crept down it, gun raised, finger on the trigger. As Athena was running down a new corridor, she saw a HYDRA agent operating flame throwes. Raising her weapon, Athens shot him.

Athena carried down the corridor to see Steve coming out from where he was hiding. "Thanks," Steve smiled at Athena.

"No worries," Athena smiled back, "but don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Right," Steve nodded, taking off running.

Athena smiled as she watched him grab his shield and disappear through a closing door.

Athen turned, running down the corridor. Athena saw Phillips. Athena fell in line with him as they continued to shoot HYDRA agents. The two carried on their way till they got to the hangar. Athena suddenly realised that she could see Steve desperately trying to catch up to the Valkyrie. Athen, spotting him, turned to Phillips.

"Is there any way we can help the captain?" Athens asked as she pointed to him.

The two looked around until Phillips called, "I have an idea."

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