Chapter 11: Stay with me

Start from the beginning

"I guess." Smiling awkwardly, Eve nodded as he slung his bag across his shoulder. "Shall we follow?"

Nodding, Sou followed along, making sure to stay close to the older male. "You do ask weird questions, Eve-san. We don't know each other that long enough yet to trust each other," Sou reminded him.

"But you know," the younger male started as he poked Eve's cheek. "If you said to me that you would trust me wholeheartedly earnestly someday then I would trust you with my life."

Surprised by this, Eve blinked before chuckling. "If I ask weird questions... you certainly do give surprising answers." A pause before a warm smile. "Thank you."

"A-ah... No problem," Sou mumbled before returning the smile. "Anyways, let's go fast so we can go back to Kashitaro-san and Amatsuki-san soon."

"Right." Following after Daruma, keeping pace with Sou, Eve began to sit in his thoughts until they arrived in a building where they were ushered to the highest floor.

"Nice seeing you again Eve." Daruma hummed as he gently patted his shoulder. "Hopefully you live another day so we can talk more."

"Don't be so ominous..." Eve muttered before nodding. "Thanks."

"No problem~ See you guys again~" Waving goodbye, Daruma walked away.

"Have a nice day?" Sou wished as he watched the other walk off.

"Is something going to happen in there? I thought we were going to meet your boss..."

"My ex-boss." Eve corrected as he shook his head. "Yes we are, but do remember, he is sort of the leader of this place."

"I will make sure to know my place," Sou assured him as he hoped the leader wouldn't be too bad. Though he doubted that he wouldn't be.

Nodding, Eve placed a hand on the younger's head, patting him once before he turned and knocked on the door. Three sharp knocks, one long, and another three sharp knocks.

"Come in."

Trailing off slightly, the blond male made sure to stay close to the older male but not walk too close as he followed him inside, looking around the building curiously as he did so.

Sitting in the chair was a brunette with a tinge of orange in his hair and matching eyes sitting on the chair at the sole table, his feet kicked up on the table. "Ah, Eve's here!"

Placing his feet down, the male had a warm smile on his face, beckoning the two closer.

Seeing how the brunet was beckoning them to get closer, Sou did as told, carefully stepping towards the other male.

Stepping closer, Eve respectfully bowed. "It's been a while."

"It has indeed! You know, like without you around, things felt like it's been decades!" the brunette gasped dramatically before turning to Sou, his orange eyes staring the blonde down. "And your name?"

"My name is Sou, it's a pleasure to meet you," the blond male answered as he bowed.

"The pleasure is all mine~" A dubious grin. "My name is Meychan, the boss around here and Eve here would have told you, the scary person here~"

"I've... heard about you from Eve-san a bit yes..." the younger male nodded, not saying anything else afterwards. Whatever they had to do here, he hoped it would be over soon.

"Then I'll cut it short!" Clasping his hands together, Meychan grinned at Eve. "Eve join us again."

As soon as he heard that, Sou's head snapped towards Eve, wanting to protest but deciding to stay quiet. It wasn't surprising that they wanted Eve back. Was he taken here so he could report back to the others if Eve decided to say yes? Or was he here to slow Eve down in case he said no?

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