Arriving in sky island

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"I mean it had a wing so they should be fine" Ace said slowly calming down

"idiot it's surely made out of wood" Sabo said making Ace panic again, Sabo enjoyed seeing Ace's face but was also panicking inside

The full ship was shown with the flag that just look too familiar, it was a skull with a strawhat

"Of course Luffy would have done something like this" Sabo sighed 

"Better beat some lessons in his head " Ace said cracking his knuckles

"I'm still surprise we survived" Robin said smiling

"We barely did" was all nami could say

'Straw-hat ya... seriously?' Law thought as he sighed at his 'Friend's' stupidity beside him was Kidd who was laughing quietly

"Awesome! The ship is flying!" a boy with a strawhat happily shouted

"He seems happy" Thatch pointed out

"Of course he would find this fun" Ace said as he fought the urge to facepalm at his brother's antics 

"Yes the ship is SUPERR flying but also super not safe" Franky said doing his pose

The ship was shown flying 
"Is this for real?!" chopper screamed 

"It really is flying" 

"Aren't they like fly- falling?"

"It looks like their flying"

"Yohohoho what a ride how i wish to experience that"

"Once we make it to the end of grand line you will"



"Nami- san! You're wonderful" Sanji yelled
"We did it!"
Nami said with tears almost forming in her eyes, she just couldn't believe it

"But what for Nami- ya" Asked Law

"You'll see" she said, law sighed in defeat and decided to just wait

They all watched the ship go higher and flying fast, shipwrecks we're impress how the ship could do that and other captain as well. Other's we're still wondering why do something this stupid that will only lead them to death or at least they thought so

The strawhats we're shown holding on and smiling as they go higher and higher until...

"What's that?" the strawhat captain asked

"what's what"

"A wall of clouds?!" the strawhat captain said

"i guess"

'That's one thick cloud'

"We can't slow down... We'll plunge into it like this!" Nami said

"Is that a good idea?" Namur asked


The ship went plunged in the wall of clouds just to get greeted by water?
'Can't... Can't breathe...!' 


"How is there water there? There in the damn sky!" one of the whitebeard pirates yelled only for whitebeard and shanks to laugh at their reactions

"shanks what's funny?" shanks first-mate said

"Nothing" Was all the red-haired said and gestured to continue watching

Watching his memoriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ