Bionic Brithday Fail

Start from the beginning

"Oh sweetie" Y/n went up with her hugging her with tears. "Your ok she's not here and she won't get you. I won't let her. No of us will" she let go and Alexander hugged her

"I got you. It's ok" He told her. Tasha hugged her too, knowing that it happens.

"Congratulations mom, Tasha" Y/n said trying to forget about it and be happy for them

"Thank you y/n but the awards Banquet is the same night as Leo's birthday" She then went to leo "I'm sorry honey we're gonna miss it"

"If we don't show up they might give our award to that over dramatic screen hog Linda Montieres" Cassandra said. Y/n never heard her mom talk like that. Cassandra turned to y/n "Pretend you didn't hear that" She smiled and nodded

"It's ok mom, miss.C go have fun you guys deserve it. Especially you Miss.C you have to deal with her" Leo said jokingly pointing to y/n. Y/n played along and looked offended

"I'm not that bad" Everyone turned away "Wow that's just..... wow" They laughed then Y/n and Leo walked to the bionics

"Hey I thought she was gonna throw you a party. I was promised a party!" Bree said. Y/n was leaning on the corner by Chase and Adam

"Every year she comes up with this lame excuse to make me think she's not throwing a party. Award? Please. Have you seen her reporting. Miss C is good but they always help with the excuses and help with the party"

"Leo are you sure your not mad. We've never been apart on your birthday" Tasha said walking to him

"Please he'll have plenty of birthdays but who know if you'll ever win anything again" Adam said Tasha looked at him

"Mom go get your award *cough* Chocolate frosting *cough*"

"I promise we will celebrate the following night"

"Hey why haven't we ever had a birthday party?" Bree asked

"Donald/Mr.Davenport" Tasha and Cassandra both said

"You never celebrate they're birthdays?" Cassandra asked

"Of cousin I celebrated their birthdays. Remember when we- When we went to the- Yeah I never celebrated their birthdays"

"Did you also eat all the cookies before santa came down the chimney?" Tasha asked

"What's santa" Bree asked sadly

"Oh come on!" Cassandra said. They all walked out leaving the kids

"This is going to be the best birthday ever! The size of the party equals the size of the excuse. I'm gonna work on my surprise face" Leo walked out of the lab

"Whoo-Hoo! Leo's haven't a surprise party!"

"Adam if leo's have a surprise party, Don't your think we'd be invited" Chase said

"Yeah your right who does Tasha think she is not inviting us?"

"No Tasha, Davenport, Mr and Mrs. L/n really are going to an award ceremony, This is horrified Leo's going to be so disappointed" Bree said

"Brees right" Y/n said they turned to her "Tasha and mom tell me their excuses cause I usually help them but I didn't know about this. They are actually getting an award"

"Well maybe we can throw him a surprise party and invite everyone form school" Chase said

"What do we know about throwing a surprise party?" Bree asked

"We don't but y/n does" Chase said looking at the girl

"No no no absolutely not. When i said i help do you really think I do. Obviously Leo is my friend but by help i ment i help buy things i don't know how to decorate"

The Bionic and The science experiment (Chase x reader)  season 1Where stories live. Discover now