Some Assembly Acquired (Full Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Lance: "Good morning, everybody. What's going on?"

Allura: "Coran and I have been up for hours getting the Castle back in order. We had to run a test on the alarms, and we decided to test you as well. Guess which one failed."

Hunk: "Hey!" [Yawns] "You got to sleep for 10,000 years, man. Monday night, I was on Earth. Now, I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird Castle. That's a lot to process in, uh... I don't know. What day is today?"

Coran: "It's the third quintant of the Spicolian movement. Hump day!"

A lot of 'Huhs' came from the crowed and Future Keith sighed.

"Wednesday" Future Lance explained.

"OH!" The ones who didn't know said.

Hunk: "—It's a lot to process."

Allura: "You must understand the stakes of our mission."

[Allura brings up a map of the universe from the Castleship's computer and displays the amount of distress beacons.]

Allura: "Over the last 10,000 years, the Castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations. So, we have to assume that Zarkon has conquered almost the entire known universe."

[Allura moves the map to the Milky Way where it appears barely out of Zarkon's reach.]

Allura: "Earth is here. An attack on your planet is inevitable."

The Humans and BoM (and I guess Alteans) stared horrified at the reveal. Lance looked at his family, now knowing he might NEVER see them again.

Hunk: "Oh no..."

Allura: "Exactly. Our mission is to free all those planets. Coran and I are getting the Castle ready to leave Arus. During that time, you have to learn to form Voltron, so, we can begin fighting Zarkon."

Shiro: "The Princess is right. Let's get to our Lions and start training."

Pidge: "Wait. But I want to talk to the prisoners we rescued from the Galra ship."

Coran: "Ah, negative, Number Five. I have you ranked by height, okay? The prisoners need to remain in the cryo-replenishers until tomorrow."

Allura: "That's right. Now, get to your Lions."

[The Paladins head to their Lions, donning their armor before traveling by zip-line. Hunk's zip line stops.]

Hunk: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on? What's going...?"

[Hunk falls from his own weight and the zip-line continues without him. Hunk slides down the shaft slowly.]

Hunk: "Aw, come on. You've got to be kidding me."

[The Paladins reach their Speeders that take them to their Lions. Hunk is late to arrive and drop from the zip-line hole, so his speeder takes off without him. He groans in frustration.]

"Why didn't he just drop?" Past Keith asked.

"He might've injured himself" Future Keith responded.

Mr. Kogane (AN: I'm gonna call him KK for now on) stared at the two versions of his sons. He then noticed that the older one had a burn mark on his right cheek (it stopped right under his eye) and gave the older a worried look. Older Keith noticed and smiled reassuringly at him.

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