"Chloe. Professor, Studies in Quantum Theory in the field of Plasma Physics, Electromagnetism, Electronics, Quantum Optics,Atomic and Chemical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics and Plasma Physics."

The list of highly scientific qualifications she was reciting; for someone who looked so young, he thought, she must be incredibly talented...

Chloe elaborated further, "Other studies include Genetic Engineering, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Engineering, Mechatronics and finally, Mechanical Engineering."

...Or this was all an elaborate act filled with lies on her part, which he hoped it would be.

Coming to a stop in front, he was addressed directly, "Directive leader of the Institute." Followed by a small nod. "Of course, you've never heard of me; I figured you weren't from Maxson's order." Placing her hands together, she leaned on the desk in front.

This man did act quite odd for being part of the Brotherhood after all.

"Where are you from?" Another question filled with such vagueness fell from his mouth. And again, another vague answer she gave.

"The institute – "

He quickly corrected his verbal mistake, "When are you from?"

And again, it was more specific.

Though, her acclimation was unusually startling to him.

"How have you forgotten what year it is? Well obviously, time zones are a major factor in what time of day it is. And I guess... "

As the woman began listing out her questionable response, he thought getting to the point would be better; He decided to clearly lay it out for her as her continuous re-wording of questions was getting on his nerves.

"I meant the time you are from. Your clothing does not reflect the fashions of this time." Raising his voice to get her attention, "Therefore, I know for. A. Fact. That you are not from this time; You are from the future."

Instead, her response was quicker but at least he was getting somewhere.

"And who are you to judge? Based on looks alone one could argue the same... "

Thinking to himself, she was either incredibly intelligent or incredibly dull, he couldn't tell. Though he had zoned out for a second, he was brought back by the tail end of her tangent.

"– You live in a wasteland for goodness sakes, man."

Now there was an odd comment to him.

To Chloe, this was something of a routine. Her having been poorly interrogated in the last few months by the Eastern Brotherhood of Steel led by Maxson had made it easier for her to make these factually correct yet hurtful observations.

This time he paused before speaking. Formulating the perfect, to-the-point question that she could not avoid, "Does it concern you to know when and where you are, and what the date currently is?"

This time her response faltered.

"...I know the date... and I know I'm talking to someone who refuses to tell me what the Brotherhood of Steel is doing with a damn teleporter."

She'd gone on the defensive again. And this brotherhood of steel he thought, seemed to be the underlying link to her odd choice of vocabulary and her refusal to give his questions a straight answer.

"Well, I would love for you to read the date out for me; clarify what day it is of course," spinning the small desk calendar around for her to see clearly, "... Care to look?" He smirked, watching her eyes get ever so slightly wider and her lips part; She was in shock, and he knew her oncoming wave of fear would be delightful to witness.

Letting the Days Go By...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن