"Of course Gally, but you have to promise me that you'll never do that again. Okey ?" Did I just forgive him all that what he did for Newt ? Oh please. "Thank you Y/n, thank you ! I will promise I won't hurt you or Newt again." He said and pulled me in a sudden hug, First I was shocked but finally I hugged him back. The hug felt good, more different than the hug Newt or anybody else gives to me. I wonder what caused it. Also I noticed that my heart beat had came more faster. I pulled away from the hug and looked Gally in the eyes. He looked me back. His eyes tried to tell me something but I didn't know what. It was somewhere far and behind those huge walls that I one day want to open and get into his heart. Wait did I say that ??! Doesn't that mean that I want to be something more with him ? bloody hell I don't know.

"Gally..." I started but soon closed my mouth. I didn't know what to ask. "Umm Y/n I umm have to tell you umm something...." Gally said and took my hands in his hands again. "I don't know how do I say this to you but I really umm li-" "Hey you two, Newt has waken up." It was Winston. He was standing in the door and waited me to come.

I let go of Gallys hands and looked in his eyes. They looked more sad and hurt than just a few minutes ago. "I'm sorry Gally. You can tell me some other time ?" I asked him as I got up. Gally just nodded and looked down on his lap. What did I do ? For once he was going to tell me something and I just leave. Just like that. I hate myself. "Are you coming ?" I asked Gally. He shacked his head not looking at me once. I got up and walked to Winston and closed the door behind me. It felt so bad to leave Gally there so hurt looking.

"So what was Gally going to say to you ?" Winston asked me after few minutes walking in silent. "What ? You think I know cause if I remember right, you were the one who interrupted him telling me something ! And I guess it was something important cause after you came he looked so disappointed and sad. Ughh" I said to Winston and started running to the med jacks hut to see Newt. I didn't want Winston to say anything anymore.

I opened the door where Newt was. He looked terrible. I have never seen anyone like this after Gallys fight. I walked slowly to Newts bed and sat on the corner of it. I took his hand and lightly stroke it. He was all over bruises and small cuts on his face and also on his breast. I few tears rolled down on my cheek. Why did Gally do this to my best friend ?! I didn't even ask Gally, I just hugged him. I couldn't think more cause Newts hand tightened in mine.


"Newt ! Omg are you okey ??! You look worse than ever !" I let outh a little laugh through my tears what had started to come and come and didn't stop.

"Shhhh Y/n I'm fine.... I'm fine." He said as he stroked my hair which felt so good and calmed me. "Come here." Newt said and moved little bit to do room for me.

I went next to Newt and took his hands again in mine. "Newt I'm so sorry. I should have done something but instead I just stood there and looked when Gally punched you over and over again. I'm really sorry. It was all my fault !!" I started to cry again in Newts bare chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Shhh It okey It wasn't your faul. You did nothing wrong Y/n. I'm here and I'm fine so are you. So everything is good." He placed a small kiss on my forehead. As he kissed my forehead Gally came in and saw us his face went extremely red, not from embarrassed but angry. He quickly turned around and slammed the door shut.

I looked at Newt and he looked at me.

"Go." Was the only thing he said.

"A-are you sure ?" I asked him.

"Yes, now go and do what you see best to do." Newt said and pushed me a little so I would go faster. I took one last look at Newt who just nodded his head and waved his hands me to go. And so I leaved Newt there lying on the med jacks bed and ran to find Gally and finally find out what was this all about.

 I saw Gally was in the wood so I quickly speed up and ran exactly there were I saw Gally. I got to the woods but didn't see Gally anywhere. Ugh this is maybe the third time I'm looking Gally from the woods. 

 I heard some sniffing above me. I looked up and saw that Gally was on top of the tree. How fast did Gally get there ? It was shucking high tree. Well I can find it out. I'm going to climb in that tree. I was almost as high as Gally when he noticed me. "Y/n ??!! What the shuck are you doing here ?!" He said almost shouting. I also noticed that he wiped some tears away from his cheek. I didn't answer him anything cause I wasn't still up and I want to get up before I fall down. I shucking hate high places.

I almost reached the branch where Gally was when the branch betrayed under my leg. I let a loud scream and closed my eyes. This was the end of me, falling from a tree hah, is this the way I'm going to die ?

I opened my eyes. Was I already at heaven ? It didn't even hurt when I fall. But then I realized the pain in my arm. I looked it and saw Gallys hand. What did Gally just save me ? "Come on. I can't hold you here all day, even that you really don't weight anything." He said and started pulling me up. I also helped don't even think that I was just hanging on there when Gally is pulling me up.

Once I was safely beside Gally he wrapped his arms around me. "Gosh Y/n you are shacking." I just nodded. I was so close to die. It was few minutes silence when Gally broke it.

"Do you and Newt umm you know are you a thing ?" I shocked about his question. Why would he ask that. "N-no." I was still shacking. Gallys arms somehow relaxed but also wrapped tighter on me. I felt somehow safe in his arms. "Good." Was the only thing he said. And It was silent again. I had no power to ask him what was going on. But I promised to myself that soon. Soon I will ask and nothing can stop that. Now it was just me in Gallys arms which felt so good and safe that I didn't want to ruin the moment. I coulnd't be angry to him. I don't know why. If anyone else would done that to Newt I would totally beat the crap out of them. Even if it was Thomas or Minho (who would ever do that but you get the point). Somehow I just didn't want to do that for Gally. I don't know was it just because I was used to it that he got into fights or was it something else....


Sorry guy that this took so long ! I've been really busy these last few weeks.

Hope you like this ! I made it an extra long chapter cause you have had to wait it for so long. Im sorry.

Pls vote and comment <3

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