Assumptions as to why you had broken it off with Draco Malfoy had floated around your sixth year, but after Dumbledore's death and being thrown headfirst into a war, everyone soon forgot about something as trivial as gossip. It wasn't soon after this heartwrenching death of a mentor that you and the boy you had once loved were thrown on opposite sides of the war. It was only after the Battle of Hogwarts and the Malfoy family's redemption that you faced Draco again. You had been alongside Harry and Ron when you testified of the Malfoy's final actions in the battle that had redeemed them, not to mention saved them from Azkaban.

It was as he approached you that you knew deep down that you would have to talk to him. With you being involved in the Ministry of Magic and him rebuilding connections from scratch after the second wizarding war, it was inevitable for the two of you to cross paths. You couldn't run and hide like a little girl at the sight of your ex. It was because of this that you stood still in front of him.

You gave Hermione a gentle squeeze of her elbow to remind her that you would be fine and felt her rigidity relax. As he approached you and Hermione, you noticed that he looked different. He had the same hair, same clothes but his eyes looked different. They were the shade of icy blue, yes, but they weren't cold like they once always were. There was no chill in them nor sadness. He even had a gentle smile gracing his features that could have made him unnoticeable. It was a strange sight - Draco Malfoy being happy. He looked good happy, you thought, like that was how he was meant to look. You had always thought that his features were too handsome to display such anger and discontent.

It was only as he stood in front of you that you noticed the most recognizable difference wasn't how different he looked and how much happier, but who was at his side. Beautiful with a kind complexion, the petite woman by Draco Malfoy's side had her fingers interlocked with his. She had long, dark hair that you thought looked almost angelic with her clear skin that seemingly glowed with good health. Just as the two of them finally reached where you and Hermione were, you fondly wondered if this was why Hermione was rigid - not because it was Draco, but because it was Draco with someone else. Your friend's constantly aware eye was anything if not touching.

As Draco and the mystery woman approached you and Hermione you made a smile appear on your lips. "Draco." You greeted in a simple nod as he greeted you and Hermione back. "I'm sorry," You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion at the girl next to him you had yet to meet. "I don't believe we've met."

The woman in question smiled gently at you in response and stuck out her hand. "Astoria Greengrass."

"Astoria and I-" Draco began and cut himself off as he looked down at her and smiled lovingly. Glancing back up at you he excitedly said, "We're engaged to be married." He smiled and you once again saw the happiness that was displayed on his features.

"Oh," You said softly as the words somehow didn't die in your throat. Your mouth suddenly felt incredibly dry and the smile on your face felt forced. "I hadn't heard." You let out an uncomfortable laugh.

Draco had not noticed your uncomfortable mood, not when he was looking down at Astoria like she hung the stars in the sky with her fingertips. You knew that the lightness he evidently felt and the joy that shone through his eyes were because of no one but her. He was able to pull his eyes away from her as he glanced at you. His smile grew as he said excitedly, "We're not making a large deal of it. If it will be in the papers, we didn't want it to be a focal point - not with all the important work being done here." He explained as he gestured to you and Hermione who were doing this important work he emphasized. You noticed how he gave Astoria's hand a squeeze and you couldn't help but observe the flicker of nerves that shone in his blue eyes. "I was - well, we were wondering if you would come to the wedding."

You felt your eyes widen involuntarily and were almost positive Hermione's did as well.

"Both of you and Ron and Harry as well." He elaborated. "It's important to build relationships from the damage my family caused. If you wouldn't want to come I understand, of course-"

"Don't be foolish." You cut him off in an attempt to be lighthearted. "I'm sure all of us will be more than happy to come."

Draco and Hermione were both equally surprised at your agreement. Despite the past being the past, you never wanted to seem too eager. "It's important to wizard community relations, of course." You added to make certain that you didn't seem too glad to please him.

"Of course." He affirmed with a more relieved smile than the nervous one he had been wearing earlier.

"We should be on our way." Hermione quickly added. "We have much to do today."

"She's quite right." You agreed with a polite smile. "We must be on our way. I'm sure we will see you soon, Draco." You said diplomatically. With a nod and a smile from him and his fiance, you and Hermione turned to make your way to your destination.

As you and Hermione headed towards Kingsley's office for the debriefing for today, it wasn't long before your friend was quick to make a remark. "Y/N," Hermione whispered lowly in a sharp tone. "Are you sure you're alright? I know you and Draco had a complex history. It must be difficult to see him."

"It's not him," You said in emphasis. "It's more the idea that he's moving on and I'm not." You looked at her with vulnerability.

"You can't expect me to believe that." She said in disbelief.

"I had hoped you would seeing as it is the truth." You simply replied. You shot a glance at her and saw the wheels beginning to slow down in her head, a sign that she had believed your words. "On the other hand, if Ron knows any aurors that are young and handsome..." You trailed off. "Well, you could say I would be very open to that." You shot Hermione a wide smile that she returned immediately.

She looped her arm with yours as she inadvertently picked up the pace you both were walking as the wheels in her mind were turning once more. "I wouldn't trust Ron's taste in his fellow Aurors. I'll ask him, though." She conceded with a crafty look on her face. "I will vet the candidates myself, of course."

You only let out a playful huff at your friend's antics but were undeniably grateful for her determination at finding you your own happy ending. For now, you were content in knowing that you were making a difference in the wizarding community and honoring the friends you had lost.

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