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Cade p.o.v

I woke up on a berth and I was clamed down and couldn't get up. "Well, someone is awake." Said ratchet. "Why am I here?" He turned his head to me like I said some authority in my Vocalizer. "You are here to tell us some answers, decepticon." I looked at him like he was half crazed. But he wasn't. "I am not a con." I said my voice calm as ever. "Then tell us who you are, I am giving you a fair chance." He said. "I don't know what my name is, my creators never gave me a name." I said. "Then let's give you one." He looked at my frame to see any attachments to a name. "Red sun, who where your creators?" He asked. "Alpha trion and solus prime." I said. He nodded understanding. We then went to the communications grid, where everybot is. "Ratchet, how is she?" Asked prime. "She is okay, but she knows who all of us are, so not wise to introduce when she knows you already." Said Ratchet. I then came in some backed but some stayed where they were. "Meet red sun. Daughter of alpha trion and solus prime." Everyone's optics widened. I just stood there not making one sound. "So is she a prime?" Asked jazz. Ratchet looked at me. I don't know if I am a prime but my creator told me that I am the future prime. And I am.
On the top that is red sun but she is red not blue.

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