Chapter 28 - In Front of and Behind the Cameras

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If Bai Lang continued to walk then tomorrow the entertainment news would probably be the gossip about how new rising star is acting like a bigshot.

Thus within his words, Kang Jian also slyly reminded Bai Lang that if someone came to ask him, he still had their call logs and call history which would be able to fool some people.

So Bai Lang had no choice but to stop walking and turn around.

As he faced down Kang Jian's cunning plotting, he asked quietly, "What have you done?"

Bai Lang's expressionless question made Kang Jian paused, but he reacted quickly.

"I, I don't know that's why I'm asking ah?"

Bai Lang revealed an extremely disappointed expression. Then he shook his head helplessly and then turned back around and walked away.

A few simple movements completely changed the story. Now it seemed like Kang Jian had clearly done something over the top to ruin the two people's friendship but without even figuring out what it was, just ran over him with a thick face to ask for forgiveness... The people who were eagerly watching from the sidelines used strange expressions to look at him. When they saw Kang Jian's somewhat guilty expression, they thought "Ah it's like this" and then with gossip in their hearts, went about their own business.

Only Hong Hong, who was following Bai Lang, stopped. He carefully stood in a corner and observed all this.

After all Qiu Qian had instructed him before that if this person Kang Jian appeared in front of Bai Lang, then he needed to watch closely.

And as Kang Jian was still standing there "acting", a person appeared behind him. It was a girl with a very small and short stature, however her entire person was covered head to toe in brand clothing. She had long permed curly hair, and wore a T-shirt with a very large brand logo showing and hot pants. On her wrist was a shiny expensive looking bracelet. She had long eyelashes and big eyes and combined with her carefully arranged clothing, she could be considered a middling to above average beauty.

However it was clear from her dress that she wasn't in the entertainment circle. She looked more like a spoiled and pampered second generation rich girl.

The girl clutched Kang Jian's arm in a familiar manner and said in a intimate voice, "Ah Jian, I heard you yelling "sorry" from far away. What happened? Why is that person ignoring you?"

Kang Jian lowered his head. He smiled and patted the hand on his arm. "It doesn't matter. Just a small misunderstanding. Didn't you go next door to find your friends, how come you came back so quickly?"

Filming the crime drama previously had tanned Kang Jian's skin somewhat as well as made him more manly looking. Right now he was wearing leather pants and a white denim jacket. He was gradually moving down a more rebellious and bad boy style and combined with his sentimental and seemingly full of deep emotions expression, it was indeed a look that many girls would fall for.

"Of course it's because I'm worried about you and want to watch you closely," The girl said in a coquettish manner. "Look, I just left for a second and you were already bullied by others."

"Am I that easy to bully? It's more important that you have a good time and not get bored accompanying me." Kang Jian smiled in a gentle and helpless manner. He used his superior height to lightly pat the girl's head.

"Hn, men always like to pretend to be strong." The girl dodged Kang Jian's hand and used her chin to point towards Hong Hong's direction. "That's Bai Lang right? On screens he looks alright, but in real life he gives off a weird and effeminate feeling. Just ignore him. Who cares about him, he's just another newcomer."

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