Breaking their intertwined hands lowkey saddened Mijin but the romanticist didn't disappoint herself like that so easily.

❝ We'll take a heart-shaped dalgona candy, please. ❞ The somewhat effortlessly adorable boy today was being so lovable that Mijin's even failing in trying to remove her glued eyes from him. How was it even possible you ask? The mighty woman whose heart's never been tickled was starting to warm up with the cheesy rich kid who's sweetly romantically caring for her when she never asked in the first place.

Just when Mijin's gonna grab the handed candy over, the seller broke it into two, making the pierced heart into two pieces for the two soulmates. That also surprised Jongseong a bit since he didn't expect the same old seller to break the heart into two. Well, there goes its lovely shape.

❝ It's going to be a legendary relationship if you two lovebirds eat the two inseparable heart pieces. ❞ Such a historical method exists? For the sake of their soulmate bond to last for eternity, Jongseong gladly grabbed the heart pieces and tucked them inside his mouth with a proud expression.

Seems like Hwang Mijin and he'll be stuck like glue from now on.

The flushed up girl on the other hand avoided his gaze and hesitantly grabbed the dalgona candy which melted straightaway inside her mouth with the sweetness labelling on her tongue for a while.

The windy atmosphere after spending at the flowery herb island took Mijin a moment for her to adjust to the incoming sight.

Tears suddenly scrolled down her squishy cheeks due to the blurry vision which was approximately getting on her nerves. And that action worried the dramatic lover boy as Jongseong cautiously reacted with tender actions.

❝ W-Why are you suddenly crying, Jinjin? ❞ The genuine worries inside Park Jongseong's dreamy eyes weren't baked with lies at all as Mijin could feel the concern from him.

Her curse right now was working on her soulmate as he really improved into a better person.

Whenever she cries, great things indeed happen.

The tears weren't salty, not even for a bit as Mijin felt relieved that she'd helped someone advance to a better person for themselves.

❝ Oh, nothing much. Some dust just got into my eyes. ❞ , Mijin replies with her watery eyes gradually tearing up a bit as the spice was tasty around her eyelids but she wasn't hurt by it at all.

Jongseong noticed the windy atmosphere and immediately covered her broad shoulders with his cosy blazer since the off shoulders crop top wouldn't be that comfortable to wear. And the revealing clothes weren't fitting this windy situation as Mijin knew it well of how she wrongly biased fashion this time.

Bending a bit lower than usual, Jongseong adjusted his height and cupped the fragile yet fierce woman's adorable face with his huge and manly hands.

Gently blowing her eyes with the air from his circled pearly lips, the boyfriend material casually did his job, not knowing how much of an impact that could stone inside Mijin's rapid heart.

' Damn, stop racing so fast. ' , scolded Mijin to her unstable heart for reacting that boldly when it shouldn't have had.

Maybe she's satisfied with the aftermath this time.

❝ Are your eyes still spicy? ❞ , Jay asks with his eagle eyes thoroughly testing Mijin's heartbeats as they held a somewhat heart fluttering eye contact for some seconds.

❝ Yeah, I-I'm fine now. ❞ The tender girl's cute reply made Jongseong giggle slightly as his chaotic mind randomly thinks of a silly pick up line which was beyond hilarious.

❝ What do you mean? You look fine ever since I first met you. ❞ This smooth punk does be having Mijin off guard with his insanely well-processed cheesy pick-up lines.

❝ Yah, that was so lame. ❞ Mijin playfully slaps Jongseong on the arm as here comes another round of her moronic laughter. But the boy would never complain since it's far from being annoying since he could thoughtfully understand that Mijin hasn't laughed that much within the previous years which was blue and grey.

❝ But hey, you liked it. ❞ The clown material flipped his bangs before funnily wiggling the furry brows.

❝ Fair point. ❞

Mijin admitted that her sense of humour is far from the line of being joyful but lame and boring all along. Maybe they do be making a great match as soulmates after all.

The humorous boy continued licking his favourite dalgona candy of all times until his embarrassed self figured out that there's something stuck onto his face all along, thanks to Mijin who tippy-toed her minimal height compared to the long legs which Jay has.

❝ There's something on your face, you silly clown. ❞ Mijin broke into some small snickers before facing Jay up close as the handsome boy leaned a bit closer to her face.

Her wiping the mess with a soft tissue led Jongseong to a great opportunity to be beautifully admiring her up close.

Which was also originally unhealthy for Mijin's heart as it palpitated so abnormally since his visuals were godly.

The boy just purely gifted her a smile rather than committing any skinship which would make Mijin easily uncomfortable. The most beautiful smile on earth to be exact. What even was fate thinking when it decided to pair up the girl who couldn't smile and the boy whose smile was overflowing with beauty?

A rapid mess which Mijin's heart got drowned in, proved how the saint-hearted guy could beautifully be a great person sometimes.

Him being sweet just like the dalgona candy made his pure image an everlasting addiction which the accursed girl might've been fond of.

He didn't have to be that amazingly sweet.

Maybe too sweet that Mijin's afraid to let it go one day, at an uncertain day in the future.

Funny how she's strongly against the idea of falling for a prick like Park Jongseong then suddenly escalated herself into being his helper for the better personality.

Who knows?

Maybe Mijin's glad to be his playdate partner from now on.

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