NARA HAD NEVER BEEN SOMEONE  WHO ENJOYED THE SPOTLIGHT. Which was ironic, considering her mother and father's known status in the world of Broadway/Film. She wasn't shy, but the girl hated being in situations where a vast majority of social interaction was required. And in a performance art school, that was unfortunately the number one rule. It was almost impossible to try and navigate through 4 years of it without being thrown into a choppy end of year school production, especially small student productions that had 5 people as it's whole cast due to the person who was directing and their overall social status.

How many Musical productions have I been in ? Well...If you're counting the string of plays that my mother made me tap dance for, then I'd say 8 or 9. But if we're going back to my younger years, then that number is definitely skyrocketing to 14. My first was Oliver Twist at 5 and my last was a one woman show directed by Isaac Israel named ' Liquid Innocence'

Trust Me, It's as bad as you think it is. Though the reviews were pretty good. 5/10 stars from the staff, 9/10 from Principal Schuester. The worst one I got was from my dad. 3/10...can you believe that ? he said it lacked direction, as if he even knows what that means.

But this year, the st.James wanted to be more than a background facade in a cesspool of overachievers. She was actually going to take the advice of her dear mother and do the one thing that she'd been avoiding for quite some time now, Nara was going to be part of something special. Glee Club.

Ever since their performance of Harry Styles's 'Watermelon Sugar High' in the gymnasium, a new sense of confidence had rush through her like a monstrous tidal wave. All her worries, good and bad, were relinquished once she performed.

And she honestly felt like the tight night group of 6 that had banded together to save Sam made her realise that she might have a chance of making real friends who wouldn't stab you in the back.

Standing in front of the bulletin board, Nara held her ballpoint pen to the sign up sheet and began to write her full name out. Once she finished and placed a heart sticker next to it ( which was her good luck charm ) the girl stood back and appreciated the moment. Besides Art and Poetry Club, she'd never really gone out of her way to sign up to anything.

A couple of other people had already signed up as well. Like, Sam's daughter Phoenix...who she thought most definitely exhibited the same leadership skills as her father. Her boyfriend, and top Mathlete Nathan, another non surprising one considering how vocally gifted both his father's were. There were also a couple confusing ones, such as Kat Abrams, resident HBIC Ashley Evans and weirdest of all...Avel Schuester.

" What the hell ?" she commented under her breath, moving closer to examine the paper to double check that she hadn't miss read it. It didn't make sense. He'd been the first person to walk out of the choir room when Pheonix brought up the idea of serenading the alumni and gate-crashing the Raise the Roof Fund.

And there wasn't a day where the bleach blonde denounced his love for singing, specifically 'singing with the loser wolf pack' . It must've been his father trying to punish him for something, or trying to push the agenda that he still cared for the one remaining glee club besides the defunct Warblers and Trouble Tones that existed. Will Schuester had  been the one to revive the original club back in it's heyday before. So having the son as the face of it's second revival wasn't such a far-fetched idea.

Shaking off her confusion the girl turned with a pang of self accomplishment running through her system. Step One of her Journey to her 'new year, new me' plan was done, nothing could stop her now.

" Ah !"

Then, it hit. The familiar icy sting of a 7/11 Blue-Raspberry Slurpee hit her face, her discouraging flash back to reality. " Once a Freak, Always a Freak !" a voice bellowed, one that Nara recognized as belonging to Hudson's friend Caspian. The biggest homophic asshole on campus. Principal Schuester had banned throwing slushies long ago, but that still didn't stop delinquent jocks from upgrading to more damaging liquid beverages. The most popular new choice was of course, Slurpee's, but normal water and fizzy drinks were also another second ranking drink that they loved to toss at people who they normally would pick out at random.

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