Sn 1 Ep 1: Pilot

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Maxine's pov

Will and me were at the door of Aunt Viv's house. Will was making a beat so I decided to sing.
"Back to life. Back to reality. Back to the here and now"
Then some one opens the door. "Hey Uncle Phil! How you doin'?" Will says excited. "Um Will? That's not uncle Phill. He would be much taller." I say examining his hight. "I am not your uncle Philip." The guy stated. "Oh erm my fault man I must got tha wrong crib. Ayo I didn't know there was so many brothers livin in this neighborhood. You doin aight huh." "You have the right house, I am Geffory. Your uncle's buttler" "Word up BUTT-ler" I say while slapping this butt and then laugh. Then Will says something I can't understand. "Huh" I ask. "If you will follow me I will show you to your rooms Master William and Ms.Maxine" "Hey man it's it's cool if you call me Will, man" "Yea and you can just call me Max, man" "Master William and Ms.Maxine. Tradition dictates that a clean unbreakable line would draw between a family and their butler. There for, it is necessary for the operation of the household that you address me as Geffory and i address you as your proper title: Master William and Ms.Maxine." he says "What are you robo Butler, man?" I ask. "Come with me, Ms.Maxine and Master William." "Yo, yo, G,G, All this Master William stuff man, I'm not down with that stuff man, sound like we back on the plantations. Master William! Master William! Let's come up with something better that you can call us." He says. "What would you prefer?" G asks. See I already like this dude. And that's saying something. "Check this: His Royal freshness. That's dope!" "And for you?" "Check it: Mistress of flyness. Now that's decent!" I say. " Ms.Maxine and Master William, walk this way." I start to laugh at something and show Will and he started to laugh to.

"Willy!" Aunt Viv exclaims. Will has always been the favorite to her. While I have been the favorite to Uncle Phill"Hey Aunt Viv" "Sweetie hi! Oh my goodness let me look at you. Turn around. Honey the last time we saw you, you were a tiny little boy, now look at you, you are a man" "Yea well that was the plan" "It is amazing you certainly have grown Will" he says. "Well we all have." He says. I giggle. "I know that giggle anywhere. Max!" He exclaims. "Uncle Phill!" We hug.

"Did you guys enjoy the trip?" She asks.
"Oh yo the plane ride was stupid!" "Excuse me?" Uncle Phil has this vein in his head that pops out at times when he was mad and these were one of the times so I didn't bother. "Oh I said the plane ride was dope!" Why can't he just give up? "Excuse me!?!?" "No, stupid, dope, that doesn't mean- how would he say it? The flight was really neat" he says. I just sit and watch while eating my popcorn. "Geffory, will you take them to their rooms and help him get settled in?" "Yes Ma'am" he says

"Yo this place is huge man!" He says. "Yea next time imma be taking some bread crumbs" I add. I haven't been here in a while.

"Will, this is Ashley" Uncle Phill says. I don't need to be introduced because I would stay here for spring break. I'm 3 years older than her. I was also there for her birth. "Hey! My little Scottish cousin! Pleased to make your acquaintance I am your humble servant" Will says. "He's cute" Ashley says and I look at her like she has 2 heads. "I know he is" Aunt Viv says. "And she's not Scottish, you big dummy!" I exclaim. "Alright! Alright!" Will says. "Well I'm going to take a swim before dinner" Aunt Viv says "Good luck mommy the pool heater is broken." Ashley says. "Don't you just hate when that happens?" Ashley asks as if he knew 😒😒😒(A/N: When I put emojis it means that there making the face.) Oh Ashley. Sweet, innocent Ashley. "Oh yes that is my pet peeve." Will says sarcastically.

"You got your own pool in here?" Will asks." And a tennis court too." Ashley says. "Yo this is better then love boat this boy gon be maxin' and relaxin'!" Will says. "Hold on now, just a minute there son, we promised your mother that your here to work hard, straighten out, and learn some good old fashioned American values."

Then, Hillary walks in. "Dad I need 300 dollars." Hillary says. "Hillary your cousins Maxine and Will are here." Aunt Viv says. "Hey." I say.  "Hi Max. Dad I need 300 dollars." Hillary says dryly. "That's a lot of money Hillary what for?" Uncle Phill asks irradiated. Hillary puts her bags down and sighs. "I need a new hat." "For what?" He asks. "I'm guessing her head" I say. "Ok like I'm going on a safe the ozone bus next Saturday, It's going to be Bruce Willis, dames, Rablo, Emilio Estives or charlie Sheen I can't remember witch (A/N: Who are these people?). Were gonna take the bus all over town to protest air pollution, and then were gonna moter to the beach and have a big bonfire." She says."Like that will help anything!" I exclaim. "Yea um don't you think driving a big ole bus around town, and having a bonfire sorta adds to the problem?" Will asks. I walk to my room.

I'm putting up posters of my artists like Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson, Randy and the gypsys, soul 4 real, LL cool J, Heavy D, new edition, the Jacksons. Yes, I know I'm in love with them. G walks into the room. "Hello." I say "Hello Ms.Maxine. this is for you." It's a dress. Lord knows I hate dresses. "Aw. But I didn't get you anything." "You are going to a formal dinner. Goodbye now."

"Hi Max" Ashley says walking in. "Wow nixe room! Daddy never allows me to listen to these people. I don't even know who they are!" "Wow not even him?" I say pointing to my michael jackson bad tour that I got to go to. She shakes her head. "Boy how I have a lesson to teach. This is the king of pop, Michael Jackson, This is Miss Rhythm Nation, Janet Jackson, My 3rd favorite band, Randy and the gypsys, The first boy band, the Jacksons, My favorite rappers, Heavy D and LL cool J, My soul, Soul 4 Real, I also love New Edition. Who do you wanna listen to first?" "Umm...soul for real?" She says. "Ah. Good choice." I say and start playing candy rain remix with Heavy D.

(After the song)

"What about it?" I ask. "I loved it! But I have to go now. Bye Max" Ashley says. "Bye Skinny." I've called her skinny for the longest.


Will comes in wearing this:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Will comes in wearing this:

Will comes in wearing this:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Oh lord." I say to myself. "Oh my god." Uncle Phill says hiding his face in his hands while Will is looking around.

(Skip to after the argument Max was in it to)

"Wade in the water. Wade in the water, children. Wade in the water. God's gonna trouble the water." I sing while Will plays the piano.

(In Ashley's room)
"hey ash." I say. She's dancing so me and Will dance with her. "Will! Max!" She says surprised. "Ladies and gentlemen, my fly girl Ashley Banks." I zoned out for a bit. " Can you do me a favor?" Will asks. "Sure." Ashley says. "I seem to be missing a walkman so if it shows up anywhere like I don't know on your head maybe, can you give that to me." He says sarcastically. "Sorry. Dad won't let me get one" she says. "How come?" Will asks. "He says he wants to her everything I listen to, you know yo make sure it's not bad." She says. "Well what records does he think are good?" Will asks. "He really REALLY likes the care bears." Ashley says. I burst out laughing so I can't hear what Will was saying. "And I know Max, you came for your fake nails." Ashley says "Yea, thank you Ash. Night!" I say. "Goodnight!" Everyone in the house says. "Am I that loud?" I ask. "Yes!" Everyone says.

Will has a sister!?!? (VERY VERY VERY SLOW UPDATES)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن