"Not so fast." He warned. "There's a reason I woke you up and it was not so that you could immidiately hex me until your wand snaps."

"I hate you."

"I'm well aware. Now, come on." He began walking towards the door that was increasingly growing in size. I huffed, but followed after him. What other choice do I have?

He led me down the hall towards the infirmary. I peeked out a window as we passed. It was dark, well past midnight. Most everyone would be alseep by now. Perfect time to murder someone after keeping them in a coma for six days. 

The infirmary was empty besides the two of us. "Sit." He said as we walked over to one of the beds. 


"For when he gets here."

"Who?" Draco didn't have time to answer me. The sound of footsteps grew closer to the door. He pushed me down onto the bed and sat in the chair beside me, grabbing my hand and holding it like he had only a year ago.

The large doors were pushed open. Dumbledore made his way into the room, sending me a soft smile. The nightmare that followed him however, did not. 

I sucked in a breath at the sight of my father.

Why would he be here? His expression changed within seconds of walking into the room. "Oh, Cassiopeia. I've been so worried!" He exclaimed as he made his way to the bed. He sat down across from me, looking me over with concern. For a minute, I almost believed this wasn't part of some act, but too many lies have come out of his mouth for me to truly believe him.

"Yes, Cassiopeia. We've all be very wary of your whereabouts these past few days. It's a good thing Mr. Malfoy found you when he did." Dumbledore said from the end of the bed.

"I'm sorry. What?" I asked in complete utter confusion. 

"She doesn't really remember anything yet." Draco quickly cut in. He rubbed his thumb over my hand in comforting circles, all an act of course, but why? I doubt Dumbledore knew we were ever together but my father did and he knows we broke up. So why is he acting like we never broke up?

"Ah, I see." Dumbledore said with a nod. "You were infected with a sleeping drought for the past few days as Professor Snape has informed." Oh, great. Snape is working with them, too. "Mr. Malfoy found you in one of the empty corridors not usually populated by students. You were there a few days. Do you have any memory of how this could have occurred? Did a student give you something?"

My father's worrisome stare grew cold. I shook my head, no. "I'm sorry, Professor. I'm not sure." I lied. My father seemed pleased and Draco let out what I think was a breath of releif.

"I'll leave you to rest now." Dumbledore nodded. "Come back to your classes when you feel you're ready. Any missing work won't be held against you."

"Thank you, Professor."

Dumbledore gave a final look of sympathy and a suspicious glance towards Draco before exiting the room, shutting the door behind him. Draco dropped my hand and my father got up off the bed the second he was gone. "What is going on?" I demanded. "Why are you here?"

My father sighed. "Always so violently spoken. Everything will be explained, Cassiopeia. Draco brought it to my, as well as his father's, attention that you came across some information you shouldn't have. Yes, it was all true. You figured it out. Bravo. And because of this, until an adult who knew what they were doing could get here, Draco put you under a sleeping charm."

"That doesn't answer either of my questions."

He gritted his teeth. "Stick your arm out."


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