Nia Jax Pt.2

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I Cant Believe that i just hung out with the love of my life Adam Cole. I had so much fun and i cant wait to hang out again but i got have a try out for the womens wrestling team at school. since im one of the biggest girls ill probably be good at it. I walked into the school and saw Adam i shot him a smile and he just walked away, Did i do something wrong? i thought he had fun yesterday i guess Sasha was right i am the girl no one goes for. All of a Sudden Sarona walked up to me.

Sarona: Hey girl you good
Nia: I hung out with Adam After school yesterday and then when i smiled at him he just walked away
Sarona: Yeah about that him and Sasha are back together
Nia: really?
Sarona: Yeah they got back together yesterday im so sorry
Sarona: I know stop yelling there are other fish in the sea

I Ran away from everyone from Adam, Sarona ,School i couldnt take it i just kept running before i knew it i was outside of the city. i sat down at a park right outside of Centium City. I stayed there for hours until a truck drove past.

???: Oh goodness gracious there you are, are you ok?
Nia: Yes im fine who are you?
???: My Name is Paul but you can Call me Hunter
Nia: Hunter?
???: Hunter Herst Helmsly
Nia: Triple H?
HHH: Yep
Nia: Why are you out here?
HHH: come on kids lets go home
Nia: Ok

My Phone went off and i checked it was Adam

Adam: Nia are you ok where did you go?
Nia: Lose my number
Adam: Nia Are you ok?
Nia: Im fine lose my number
Adam: What are you talking about
Adam: Nia!
Adam: NIA!
(you can no longer message this user)

After i blocked Adam i felt horrible but i knew it needed to be done hes dating Sasha and im not gonna deal with that. Triple H Dropped me off and my Uncle The Rock was there and he scolded me which made me disappointed but he doenst understand what my life is like. I went up to my room and cried. Then a knock at my door came, i got up and answered and Saw Adam Cole.

Adam:NIA! IM so glad your ok(Hugging Nia)
Nia: Adam what are you doing here?
Adam: I was worried about you then you blocked me
Nia: Yeah because your dating Sasha LEAVE!
Adam: NIA! Please
Adam: Ok if thats what you want ill leave
Nia: Thank you

Watching Adam cry trying to plead with me, all of this is breaking my heart, I Need Adam Cole out of my Life

(The Next Morning)
I woke up to the sound of snoring i look over and see Sarona sleeping on my couch, Then all of a sudden i heard a knock at the door. When i answered it i was in disbelief. 

Sasha: Hey Nia
Nia: Sasha?
Sasha: Look i know we haven't been the  greatest friend at all but i just want you to know that im sorry for everything 

as i watched Sasha walk away she looked Sad but shes dating Adam how could she be?

Sarona: Sasha aint dating Adam no mo
Nia: What?
Sarona: Adam broke up with her awhile ago 
Nia: SHIT!
Sarona: What?
Nia: He was trying to explain to me and i kicked him out.
Sarona: Go get your boy

I Started running the soon enough i found Adam at the Basketball Court

Nia: Adam!
Adam: What do you want Nia
Nia: Im Sorry
Adam: You should be i tried to explain that i dont go out with Sasha and you kicked me out, Frankly i have nothing to say to you
Nia: Adam Please i was so mad i when i got outside of Centium City all i thought about is seeing you kissing Sasha so yeah i kicked you out but it was because i couldnt handle it.
Adam: i know but instead of yelling you shouldve said something
Nia: I Needed something to believe in and you werent there ok NO ONE IS EVER HERE FOR ME SO NO I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING
Adam: Leave Nia
Nia: No not until you accept my apology
Adam: Leave me alone Nia!
Nia: No!

My Heart Broke when Adam called me Barner out of everybody, so i did the only thing i knew how to do when times got tough , I RAN! So far that i couldnt hear Adam or Sarona when she got there i just Ran nobody will miss me.

I Just Kept Running until my legs gave out i ended up right where this mishap started right outside of Centium City but this time im not going back for anyone.

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