Post Umbara

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A/N So this was beauty in an accident. XD But I was inspired to write this by a few stories about Neyo found elsewhere, which is where I got a lot of the information for this. The personality for him here is canon, and is as quoted: "Neyo became one of the coldest and most unfeeling clones in his training class, adopting a laconic, almost morbid personality." So he's icy cold here. But sorta melts a bit without meaning to. But you'll see that in a mo. The mention of Dred Priest. *Angry-Face* This dude is- *Destroys couch*. He was a Mandalorian trainer on Kamino, and worked with promising troopers to become sort of ARC based commanding units. BUT he was well known for "Fight Circles'' where he would make his cadets fight, even to death. His cadets came out either messed up in the head, or morbid. SO I HAVE A THEORY AS TO WHY NEYO IS COLD AND THAT IS IT!!!! So, yes. Onto some hurt and comfort and fluff and pain and Neyo and Rex and yes I just killed grammer. Sue me. Enjoy!


Neyo glanced at his datapad, drumming his fingers against the side as he read the information on the screen.

They were going on a mission to Umbara.


Adi had ordered him to gather information about the terrain. But as the report wasn't filed after Krell... Well- there were only eye witness accounts.

Which meant she wanted him to ask Rex.

Not 'wanted'. She ordered him to.

Neyo had finished reading the messages and placed the datapad down on his desk. Then he leaned back in his seat, scowling slightly as it groaned. He had been meaning to fix that.

He had heard about the disaster of Umbara. Where a Jedi had pitted the 501st and 112th against each other. Brother against Brother. A dangerous spark came to the commander's eye.

Umbara hadn't surprised him. Sure- it had angered him. The safe and familiar anger. But nothing else. The Jedi were never to be trusted. He had always faulted Rex and... Cody against it. They cared for their General's too much. Any full-grown Jedi wasn't to be trusted. In truth, the Jedi could do whatever they wanted to the Clones. So they should be ready for whatever that entails. That was the problem with the 212th and 501st. They actually thought they were worth something.

Glancing at the Chronometer on his wrist, Neyo sighed as he saw his scheduled meeting with Rex was coming close.

Well, this will be fun.

Neyo rolled his eyes in morbid sarcasm. He hadn't talked to Rex.... in years. And that was only small talk. But he had purposefully avoided Rex. He didn't want to talk with that-

Then Neyo's comlink chimed, the alarm he had set so he could get moving. Stretching from the long hours of paperwork he had just finished, he rose.

He didn't love to ask Rex about what happened at Umbara. He knew what happened. But he put into the necessary for the job category.

Picking up the datapad once again, Neyo tucked it under his arm, and walked out of the door; Preparing for an awkward conversation.


Neyo wrapped his knuckle on Rex's office door. It was late- so no one was in the halls.

After a few seconds, the door opened slowly. And Neyo raised a brow. Rex looked exhausted, still. And it had been a month since Umbara.

Dark circles rimmed under his eyes, and there was a dead look in them. His shoulders were slagging slightly, and he was leaning against the door frame. Whatever had happened, it clearly took its toll on his batchmate.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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