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Those three words lingering in Byeolmin's mind. Was she having a nightmare or hearing things? She blinked a couple more times to make sure she wasn't sleeping and turns out she wasn't.

Jaehyun actually broke up with her.

" Didn't you hear me? " Jaehyun waved at her.

" Yeah... I heard you... " Byeolmin sighed. " I'll move out by tomorrow. "

" Like I care. I'm leaving. " Jaehyun grabbed a jean jacket from the closet and left the apartment, slamming the door.

Byeolmin fell down on her knees, she started to cry for a good 30 minutes over a breakup that was something, not even her fault, to begin with.

She figured that it was Kyungmi manipulating Jaehyun and she couldn't do anything about it now. It was all too late.

If Byeolmin didn't avoid Jaehyun from their first argument, this could have been better.

After crying what felt like years, Byeolmin took some deep breaths, having the courage to dial a number.

The phone started ringing as the number picked up.

" Hey, Eunae. " Byeolmin sniffled through the voice.

" Hey, Byeolmin! Wait... why the fuck are you crying? Is something wrong? " Eunae worriedly asked as her bright tone went down.

" Jaehyun... " Byeolmin weakly told her.

" Jaehyun...? " Eunae asked in confusion. " What about him? "

" We... broke... up... " Byeolmin trailed off.

" What?! That mother fucking psycho ass bitch! Why? Is it because you all faded? " Eunae asked in confusion.

" I think he caught feelings for someone else. " Byeolmin said as she didn't want to bring Kyungmi up.

" Well, that motherfucker doesn't deserve you. And as much as I would love to come to Korea since I heard about the Dream project, their graduation, and the dance competition, I can't. " Eunae sighed.

" It's okay. I understand how much Osaka Lion is also important to you. " Byeolmin told her.

" Yeah... Wait? Are you still at his apartment? " Eunae asked.

" Yeah... " Byeolmin said.

" Oh my god. Hold up give me two seconds. " Eunae placed her phone down as Byeolmin heard the phone flop on the other line.

" Okay, contact Sungchan, here's his number, XXX-XXX-XXXX, him and Aeri will bring their cars to help you move ALL of your belongings. Don't worry I casually asked Shotaro for his number and I had to consult Taeyong about this and he'll keep it a secret. "

" Wait why did you tell Taeyong about this? " Byeolmin asked in curiosity.

" You're staying in a spare room at my place in the basement and there's room for your car in my garage so Jaehyun will never find out that you came to live at our place for the time being. " Eunae said.

" Eunae you know I could afford my own place- " Byeolmin said as Eunae cut in.

" I rather have you stay at my place and have me comfort you for the time being until you're ready. And I know there are other things you're holding inside. I don't care if you're a full-grown adult but as one of your best friends. I will take you in as if you're my child. And if you go against my decisions- " Eunae continued.

" You're not going to get a very happy Eunae. " Byeolmin finished Eunae's line.

" That's better. " Eunae smiled. " I'll get going. When Taeyong and I come to Korea, we will help you. And I know you didn't tell Jaeyeon and Doyoung, and I don't want to pressure you in telling them about the breakup, but open up to them when you're ready. They're your best friends too. " Eunae concluded.

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