Chapter 1

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      “Zaidi, please pick faster, the sun will set any second now and you still have to go back home.” Nlaea held a basket of berries to her hip, her long gorgeous blonde hair flowing down her back in her braid, as she gave me a stern look.

“I’ll be finished soon, I know my way back home,” She gave me another look, “even in the dark.” I smiled lightly at her and she rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Well please leave your basket by my door, I need to take these to the Castle to sell.” She smiled lightly, “Goodnight Zaidi,” She muttered under her breath, “and may the goddesses watch over you on your walk home.” I shook my head and finished picking my share of berries, it was a good thing I finished a little early, the sun was just setting and I could walk home. I left my basket by her door and pulled my cloak over my head. It was a chilly night and I couldn’t afford another visit to the Healer or Doctor, they just wiz you right out of your money even just for a simple runny nose. I hitched up the end of my dress and started my journey home. I shouldn’t have built my house in the forest, it was far, but at least there was a trail. I followed my usual trail when I see a separate trail. There it was a beautiful tree, with a gorgeous house to match it. It was built high but I decide to climb up the ladder and stand on the balcony. The tree grew and boulders were placed around as fencing. I looked down; the grass in the yard was growing wildly so I figured no one lived here as I walked into the little house.  The door crept open, and I peeked inside. It was quite and dark, “Anar anaroore anrrima anarya sil-ambarta.” The room lit up dust covering every inch of the place. It was sad to see such a beautiful tree go to waste. I walked around and found another ladder leading to a desk. I climbed it and that’s when I saw it. The Book. I blew off the dust and read it, “Vala, Nolwë, Huorë.” I gasped and whispered, “Power, Wisdom and Courage, this is a book about the Triforce.” I shook my head and set it back down, backing up and bumping into something, “OW!” or someone.

“Who are you?” I turned around quickly to see who it was. I looked up and pull my cloak back from my head, “I’m Z…” He had a stern look on his face, even though he had sharp features his eyes are what scared me the most. That piercing blue color, staring into me.

“Youshouldn’t be here, how’d did you get in?” My mouth dropped open and I pulled my cloak back over my head, quickly climbing down the ladder, “HEY!” He yelled after me. I turned to look at him and slightly pulled back my cloak, closing my fist and enclosing the house into complete darkness. As I approached my house I let out a sigh of relief. I hung up my cloak near my door and started to undress and bathe. My feet were a little bruised but nothing I could fix. Healing yourself and or someone without a letter from Princess Zelda herself is illegal, but no one knows of my magic. Ever since I can remembered there was the Triforce, everything my parents had talked about related to the Triforce, partly because it’s what we do and because of my scar and mark. There is the Triforce marked on my back, right between my shoulder blades. And my scar, no matter how many healing spells I use on it, it just won’t go away. I took the sponge and cleaned myself hearing my stomach grumble with hunger. I used a healing spell to fix up my feet and dried off with a piece of cloth. Lightly rubbing my face my stomach growled again, this time I needed food. I changed into my night dress and started warming up soup. I loved the feeling of it sliding down my throat with its delicious taste. I set my dishes in my wash bin and picked up another cloth.

“HELP! SOMEONE HELP!” I scrambled to my feet and grabbed my cloak, putting it on and opening my door. People were screaming, running through the forest, smoke from the trees caught my attention. My heart raced as I quickly ran back inside and grabbed a bag, filled it with bread and container for water and a few clothes. I was ready to leave when it hit me. I had little time but I needed that book. I shoved it into my bag and started for the door. I fell to the ground and my bag fell beside me as a Twilit Keese had crashed into my house. It caved in my roof and crept towards me, it screeched as I covered my face.

“Come on!” I looked up and the guy held his hand out for me. I took his hand and stood up grabbing my bag and following him out my door and onto a waiting horse. Talk about knight in shining armor right? He raced off towards Hyrule Castle. I was shocked as I looked around and watched as the man raced through the gates and into the Castle. The guards had shut the doors as he slowed down. I looked at him as if he were a crazy man.

“What exactly are we doing here? And most importantly what is your name?” He held his hand out for me and looked up.

“Hurry we must meet up with the Princess. Those matters will be discussed. Miss Rhys.” He smiled lightly and I grabbed his hand and hoped off his horse. I started to reach for my bag, “I will have someone bring your things to your room, but we must go quickly.” I looked in his eyes and noticed something different; this wasn’t the same man then the one I met in that house. He had dark green eyes, but he still had sharp features. He quickly led me up several staircases until I couldn’t walk anymore. Luckily we had made it to a large set of doors. He opened them up and walked in, “Princess, this is…”

“No time for that now go and assemble the troops Zhou.” Zelda looked at him and rushed me in.

“Yes ma’am.” He backed up and closed the door. She smiled at me and I looked around the room, it looked like a bed room, seeing as it had a bed and a desk a sitting area and a man...And what? I looked at the man standing in the window looking out.

“Zaidi Rhys…” She placed a hand on my shoulder, “We have no time for catching up, but right now I need your help.” I looked at her and laughed lightly. She gave me a puzzling look.

“Why would you need MY help? I am to no use of you.” I watched and waited for her to say something.

“Zaidi, you are the most powerful Healer I know. My troops need you in battle.” She walked towards the man, “We all need you. Link is hurt.” I shook my head. Legendary hero needs my help? “We need him as well.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and looked at him then back at me. “Please?” I looked at my hands.

“How did you know of my magic?” She laughed lightly.

“Link you were right.” I gave her a puzzling look. He turned and looked at me, our faces both dropped.

“YOU?” We both said at the same time.

“You guys know each other?” Zelda looked between us both.

“She was the one who broke into my house.” He smirked.

“I.. anyways how did you know? What was he right about?” I looked at them both.

“Zaidi if... when we win this battle, I will explain everything to you. Just please help us.” I sighed and nodded.

“I’ll help you.” I looked over at Link and noticed blood on his side, he doesn’t seem to be affected by it but I know he is. “It looks pretty bad, let me go grab my book, you may have…”

“Just a simple scratch, a simple healing. No need for major magic okay?” He said a little harshly, “I need to get out there. Please just heal me quickly.” I walked towards him and placed my hands near his wound.

“Ambar aire anar nulla urwa wilma kelva tulka.” I stepped back as he lifted his shirt, the wound was gone and he smiled. I looked at him and shook my head, being a hero is something I could never be nor would I ever do. I looked around the room as Link ran out the door, Zelda very content with not saying anything. I sat down in a chair and looked at my hands.

“Zaidi, thank you. I will have someone show you where you’re staying.” She smiled and the door opened. A dwarf, no taller than my knees walked in. “This is Gwen, she is the smallest of all my helpers. Gwen show Zaidi to her room and prepare her a nice bath.” Gwen nodded and tugged on my skirt.

“Please this way.” I followed Gwen down the hallway and held my hands tightly. The room was just as gorgeous as Zelda’s’. Nice bed with silk sheets, “Zaidi?” I shook my head and looked at Gwen, “Your bath is ready, leave your clothes on the chair.” She walked out of the room with a wobble. I couldn’t help but giggle, it was cute. I looked around the room and found my bag sitting on the chair. I quickly undressed and placed my clothes on the chair and sat down in the warm bath water. I could get use to this, I thought as I slowly closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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