Chapter 7: Robby Keene?

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I rub his shoulder, "it's gonna be alright Miguel, I'm sure Senesi doesn't hate you" I say. Miguel looks over to me and smiles. "Thank you..for everything. Even though we knew each other for like a week, you're the best" he says. I smile. We stare into each others eyes once again. It felt like the world was evolving around me and Miguel.

I felt butterflies. Until again Something interrupts.

Someone knocked on Miguels door. (So I realized Miguels apartment number is 1, so our apartment number is gonna be 2) He gets up opening the door as I'm behind him, only to reveal Senesi.

"Hey Senesi, what's going on?" Miguel asks. Senesi looks over to me, then Miguel. "Let's go for a ride, both of you" He says. Me and Miguel look at each other. We walk out as he closes the door behind me.

We both get into the car. Miguel in the front, and me in the back. "So what where you 2 doing?" Senesi asks starting up the car. "Just watching movies mostly" I answer.

He puts the music, as we sit there in silence the whole ride.

We finally get here, it was a diner. Senesi opens the door for me and Miguel as we walk in.

"Go find a table, I'll order the best food" Sensei says. Me and Miguel nod walking over to the table that's right in front of the doors, not to close though.

We wait until Senesi comes with, 3 cheeseburgers and fries for me.

He sits down as we take a bite. "It's good huh?" Senesi asks me and Miguel.

I was sitting next to mig  while Johnny was in front of us. "Hell yeah" I say. "Mhmm" Miguel says wiping his mouth. "The Secrets the chopped onions" Sensei says. "I'm allergic to Onions!" I say. "Wait what?!" Miguel and Sensei says about to freak out.

"Messing with you both" I say, Johnny laughs as Miguel shakes his head. "Like I was saying, no veggie crap in here. Just a hot grill and some quality chuck" Johnny says. I smile as Miguel takes a bite of his burger. Miguel looked confused why Johnny was acting different after kind of yelling at him about the whole Robby Keene thing.

I take a bite of the burger, I see Johnny looking at the building in front of us. "You see that building over there kids?" Johnny asks us. Me and Miguel look over. "The hospital?" Mig asks. "That's where Robby was born" he replies.

I turn my head a bit, I was interested what he was gonna say.

I sit back in my seat. Miguel was looking at Sensei. "February 4th, 2002, it was a Monday, his mom was in labor for 17 hours" Sensei says looking over to me. So he's our age. I raise my eyebrow a bit.

"It must've been crazy" Miguel says. I look at Miguel sitting back up.

"Yeah, I'm sure it was...I wasn't there...and" Johnny says, he dropped his burger onto his plate, "my mom had just died. I was a real mess, I never knew my father so she was all I had. Next thing I know, I'm gonna be a dad" he smiled a bit. I look down.

"Scared the sh*t out of me. So, instead of being up there, welcoming him to the world..I was down here, soaking up the booze from a three-day bender, trying to get the courage to walk across the street, and I never got there." I was still looking down, the thoughts of parents just made me sad. I only knew my mom for 5 years and I don't remember anything. I only knew my dad for 10 years..but I only remember a couple memories.

"If it makes you any mom died when I was 5 and my dad ran away when I was 10" I say smiling a bit. Both Miguel and Sensei look to me. "I'm so sorry..." Miguel says. I look down. "Hey..I'm here for you, I hope you know that...both of you.."Sensei says. I look up smiling at bit.

"Please, continue with your story" I say sitting up. Sensei chuckles, he looks down a bit, then back up. "Well, I failed my kid on his very first day in this world...and ive been failing him every day since." He sounded like he was gonna break down.

"Senesi this is personal stuff, you don't have to tell us" Miguel says. "No I should've told you a long time ago" Sensei says to Miguel. "And y/n..."

"It''s one of the most painful things in my life..but one of the best things" he sighs Shakely.

"Has been teaching you....and now getting to know y/n" he says. I look to Miguel and Smile.

"And one of the best things was moving in next door to both of you" I say. They look over to me smiling. Sensei has watery eyes. "And I want you both to know, no matter what happens...I promise..I'll always be on your sides, and I'll always have your best interest at heart"

By now my eyes where watery. Even though I met Johnny like a week ago, he's been a huge father figure to me. And I love it. "Thank you" me and Miguel both say. "Yea, alright"

My phone then rings. "Sorry" I say looking at my phone, it was a text from Aisha. "What is it?" Miguel asks. "It's from Aisha" I say. "She heard that Miyagi-Do is doing some sort of demo at valley fest..she told me about miyagi-do and all that" I look up to Sensei. "Oh, they are, huh?"

A/N: sorry for this boring chapter...but heyyy! I literally can't wait to write the school fight! ・▼

but heyyy! I literally can't wait to write the school fight! ▼・ᴥ・▼

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