Year 4: part 7

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🐍 dracos POV 🐍
Y/n slowly walked over to me and placed her hands on the railing.
"Well you have to have a reason, I promise I won't laugh or judge I just want to make sure your ok " she said softly placing her left hand on top of mine,her warmth spread through my body at that one touch yet somehow I had goosebumps.
"I truly don't know" I said glancing down at our hands and then out at the stars.
"Your name is a constellation,right" she asked her hand still on mine and now she was rubbing small circles on the back of my cold hand.
"Yes but it also means dragon" I said smirking thinking about how Blaise likes to tease me about how I must be a dragon because instead of breathing fire I breath out sarcasm. She had a small blush on her cheeks that made her look like an angel in the moon light.
"That's Cassiopeia right?" She said pointing up in the direction of the sky that looked like a black sea filled with stars made of gold.
"Well aren't you little miss smarty pants" why did I say that, who says that. While I mentally smack myself in the face she giggles at my comment.
"How are you liking hogwarts?" I ask trying to get off the topic of my terrible come back.
"It's..... different "
        "What you didn't have secret house party's with whisky and a bunch of Slytherin pricks snogging"
  "No not exactly" she said stifling a laugh
Her hand was still on mine and my hand turned around and locked our fingers together. Before she could say anything I riped my hand away. She had a darker blush and I could feel my own face start getting hot. My cheeks began to burn crimson then it spread like wild fire, to my nose,my under eyes and my gaze started to fall on her lips. I riped my gaze away knowing how wrong  this was. I was only getting to know her because of fathers wishes, not my own.
" I should be on my way it is very late." I stated vaguely just wanting to get out of this situation.
       " before I left I saw Jenny go with Lara back to our room so I'm going to stay here for a little while, besides it is Saturday tomorrow"
I felt a bang of guilt though unsure why.
" I could stay if you like" I asked trying to sound half hearted but it came out like I wanted to stay.... maybe I did want to stay. NO, NO I DONT. I remembered stashing a blanket and cushions up here for me and pansy's..... study sessions. I went behind the largest pillar
and pulled them out.
She stared at me unsure.
" I promise I don't bite" well not always.
I layed out the blanket and surrounded the top with pillows and cushions. I sat down patting the seat next to me. She quirked her eye brow in surprise, I was surprised at my self I think more then she was. She walked over and layed down next to me her hand on her stomach. I layed back adjusting my hand onto my stomach. We looked up at the stars for a while until she broke the silence.
" are you and pansy dateing?"
        "No, no oh Merlin no we just occasionally..... hang ,if I used that American slang the right way"
" yes you used it the right way" she said giggling.
She turned on her side staring at me now. I turned on my side now facing each other.
" why what rumor did she start now?" I said wondering why she asked about me and pansy dateing.
" well she just mentioned it once and you guys just seem close... I was just being nosy" she gave me a genuine smile, a smile spread across my face and as much as I tried to turn it into a grimace it didn't work. Then something happens that I never intended to do.... I placed my lips on her warm soft ones, she kissed me back and my hand played with her hair as she wrapped her arms around my neck and played with the ends of my hair. I pulled away quickly realizing what I had done, realizing why I left the party, realizing that she had just kissed another guy at a party less then 1 hour ago, realizing that I left the party because of that and realizing that now avoiding her at all costs would be my mission. I ran down the stairs and into the Slytherin common room, pass the snogging couples and ran into my dorm with Blaise slamming the door wakeing him up and straight into the bathroom. I quickly took off my clothes and took a hot shower trying to sort my thoughts and feeling slightly guilty about leaving her there. My father and mother will just have to get over the fact that I will never even look at her again in my life. I got out of the shower and threw on some grey sweat pants not even bothering to put on a shirt. I walk out and see Blaise drunk, half asleep and sitting up on his bed.
" what the hell man I was sleeping.... why do you look like you just died and were resurrected?" He asked rubbing his eyes and trying to focus on my face.
" maybe your eyes are the thing that is dying,your wasted. Now go to sleep before I Avada kadavra you to sleep" I say plastering a fake smile,I had gotten used to making a fake smile look real.
   " wouldn't be the first time " he said smirking stupidly.
I lay down on top of my bed staring at the ceiling contemplating if I should avada kadavra myself to end this mess or if I could have someone do it for me and how much it would cost. I lowly chuckled at my thoughts and fell into a un steady sleep.
A/n: omg y/n got all the hogwarts hotties. Next chapter Ginny and the one and only hufflepuff Prince Charming make an appearance!
Plz comment to let me know how you are liking the story and any suggestions for more cute Draco moments.

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