Unexpected Turn

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Wherein Fushiguro and Yuuji were most likely enemies since they kept fighting every single day (hard to imagine ik).


"FUCK YOU" "NO FUCK YOU". Like any other day, two boys were screaming and rambling in the hallway. The students didn't really care since they got used to it already, its kinda like and everyday routine. They fight, the teacher eventually comes, and they act like nothing happened.

But today was different. How? Well because the principal has finally got tired of their shit. So he sent both of them to detention hoping that they would make things up.

<in detention>

"ugh this is all your fault" Megumi grumbled while sending death glares at the other. "how is this MY fault?!" Yuuji fires back. Megumi only rolled his eyes "you stole my pen without permission" Megumi said sending more death glares at Yuuji. "you weren't using it anyway" Yuuji retorted. "THEN YOU SHOULD'VE ASKED FOR IT INSTEAD" "HELL NAW, WHY WOULD I ASK FROM A JERK LIKE YOU?!" They started fighting again.

So much for making up.

After 8 minutes of nonstop yelling, the two finally settled down breathless. Megumi just stared at the window admiring the scenery. "tsk, only loosers look outside the window" Yuuji spoke up breaking the silence. "are we seriously gonna fight again?! Were supposed to be  making up not fight every other second" Megumi was really pissed but tried his best to stay calm. He didn't wanna stay here any longer with this jerk. "fine" Yuuji sighed "I'll behave myself" Megumi can only nod in response, followed by an awkward silence.

"so..." Yuuji started to break the awkward silence. "what do you dislike?" Megumi obviously knew where this was going, their going to ask questions and stuff and get to know each other better. "you" Yuuji only rolled his eyes annoyed by his answer. "ugh be serious dude" Megumi can only sigh at the annoying pink haired man. "im scared of ghosts " Megumi answered quietly. "ghosts? Really? What are you? A kid?" Yuuji laughed loudly earning a glare that was more deathly than any other glare he has received.

"dude don't do that, it's scary" Megumi only huffed and ignored him.

"so, got any hobbies and stuff?" Itadori asked trying to change the subject. "nothing in particular, maybe take some pictures and stuff" "oh cool cool, you should take a picture of me sometime" Itadori said with a flashing smile. "and why would I do that?" Megumi asked brows furrowing. "well because im hot, and handsome" Itadori said rather confidently. "I'd like to disagree on that one" Megumi said while a smirk planting on his face. "Hey!! Don't be so harsh" "oh sorry baby boy, didn't mean to make you cry" Itadori felt his face heat up at the nickname. "don't call me baby boy, and i did not cry!!" Itadori said while stomping his feet, Megumi can only chuckle at the cute reaction.

Minutes passed and the boys were luckily getting together pretty well. They would share small conversations and tell stupid jokes, they had gotten pretty comfortable of each other as time passed by.

Eventually, the bell rang meaning it was time for the students to go home and do shitty homework.

The two finally bid their goodbye's earning everyone's attention.

"did they finally make up?"

"are they ok now?"



"their she goes again with her yaoi addiction"

"ayee finally we can have peace"

"Boku no Pico nice" (ok that was random, don't ask why)

~timeskip brought to you by me believing the whole Black butler series is hardcore gae~

Me and Megumi were just hanging out, y'know bros being bros and stuff, nothing suspicious. We were just doing homework, me asking several questions and so because im too dumb to know anything. Megumi was pretty smart, like damn he got A's on all quizes like how tf?-. (can't relate)

We would usually just take a stroll after were done doing homework, or maybe even play games. I sometimes teach him how games work since he knows nothing about them.

We spent hours playing games. Like it was almost 10 PM. "it's getting late, i better take my leave" Megumi trying to get up until I stopped him. "wait!! Why don't you stay here for the night" Megumi looked at me in concern. "are you sure its ok?" "yeah my parents bearly come home, its nice to have someone in company" i said flashing my signature smile. "o-ok"

I was now preparing the bes for Megumi to sleep in, of course he sleeps on the bed, it'd be horrible to let a guest sleep on the floor.

"are you sure your ok with me sleeping on the bed?" "of course, just make yourself comfortable". Their was silence. "w-we could share the bed if you want to..." Megumi asked pink slightly covering his cheeks. "Really?!" Itadori said excitedly, kinda like a dog being praised by his master.

"yeah i mean its your bed after all". And with that, i settled myself right next to Megumi, feeling really comfortable.

It was the middle of the night and for some reason i couldn't sleep, so i turned around only to find a sleeping beauty right next to me. He looked so peaceful and calm, i would kill to anyone who would break him, he was so fragile and beautiful. I suddenly felt myself close my eyes the more i stared at Megumi.

We were both sleeping in each other's arms peacefully not caring what would happen next

~Le End~

This is crap

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