"That should be the last thing as normal."

"Well, it's your kind that has done it. Men. I think you lot are the only exception to this rule, but Ed has always and will always be apart of this said exception."

"You should open up more about it, y/n/n. We can speak up about it, you know. We'll always be behind you."

"Thanks, Scotty. I don't think Tuchel helped me today in feeling safe at Stamford."

"I wish you could see my point of view. Also, some queens don't need a crown. But, still, somehow, you're perfect now."

I looked at him, and through my eyes, you could see I was smiling.

"You make me feel like being someone, love."

"I'm sure I don't but thank you, Tommy."

"Trust me, love. You do, more than anyone else in the world."

When he said that, the bus was back at the hotel.

"We'll message/talk later."

We all got off the bus and played Table Tennis with some of the lads. The reigning Table Tennis Queen from the ladies side (beating the players champion, Ella Toone, by 5-3) had to prove herself. I played a few games before we made a tournament. In the group stages, I beat Brandon and Antony. Quarterfinals: I drew Marcus. I beat him, easier than some of the group games. Semifinals: I drew Eric. It was at deuce (4-4) but I beat him 6-4 in the end.

Finals: we meet again. Scott McTominay vs y/f/n.

"Deja Vu, we meet again." I vocalised.

"Yeah, let's see how this one goes."

Scott got four points in quick succession. Game point to him after less than five minutes.

I bounce back and make it four-three.

Scott did get another point, but it bounced on his half before mine, so it was overruled.

I got it to a deuce, then it continuously went back and forth. Game point to me, back to deuce, game point to him, and the cycle continued.

After at least a few minutes of this repetition, I beat him 21-19.

Either of us was going to win, but the metaphorical crown stayed on my head. Scott has scuffed his lead up again, to his secret girlfriend.

"Fair play, Scotty, that was anyone's game."

"It was, well done. Can there be a law where it is illegal for you to beat me?" Scott chuckled, smile showing.

"Never! I'm never going to give my crown up for someone else!"

After a few more friendlies as some of them wanted to have a game with me, we all went to bed.

Scott messaged me first.

(a/n again this has fucked up, bold is scott)

Scotty 🌎☀️

11:22 pm

Night baby xxx You were brilliant at Table Tennis and managing us today love xxx I'm so proud of you and how far you've come xxx I love you, sweet dreams ❤️🥰😘

night tommy xxx you were brilliant out there, i'm so so SO proud of you xxx i love you too, sweet dreams to you as well xxx ❤️😘🥺

I'm a little mad at you for beating me but you're too amazing and beautiful and all-round brilliant person that I can't be mad at you for too long  ❤️❤️❤️

oh shut it ❤️❤️

We're not having this argument again beautiful xxx You are the best person I think I've ever met and I love you for it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

awww 🥺🥺 i love you ❤️❤️❤️ I'll let you get some sleep now, rest well and I'll talk to you in the morning ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



The messages stopped and I tried to fall asleep with a smile on my face. I was tossing and turning for a while, then my phone pinged.

12:04 am

I miss you ☹️❤️

scotty, we'll be back together tomorrow, well, today, so don't fret too much about it ❤️❤️

Yeah but I miss you ☹️☹️❤️

Can you come here so we can cuddle? 🥺❤️

if we were the only people in this hotel and i could find a way to easily sneak in i would ❤️

with cctv as well i don't want to risk it bubba ❤️❤️


Whyyyyyyyy ☹️☹️☹️

i don't want to get in more trouble with ed babe

if you sleep now i'll give you all the attention tomorrow afternoon i promise ❤️❤️




i love you too tommy ❤️❤️❤️

i won't forget about it any time soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I smiled as I knew tomorrow was just gonna be a day with Scott where we had the bus ride early hours, light training for those that didn't play and then whatever he wanted (within reason) in the afternoon.

This time I slept for a few hours before another message.

"What does Scott want now?" I whispered, before unlocking the device and reading the message.

3:51 am

We miss you too, y/n y/middle/n y/l/n.

Want to play a game?

Answer carefully.

Your life might depend on it.


I always have my read receipts off, so they couldn't tell I'd opened or read the messages.

Shivers ran cold down my spine and the hairs on the back of my neck pricked up as a reaction to reading the few words on my phone. My mind was full of dashing questions.

How am I meant to tell Scott and the lads about this stalker?

What do I do?

i love you - scott mctominayKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat