"Well we aren't always raised by the same rules, now are we, Norman."

--Norman POV--

"Now we aren't always raised by the same rules, now are we norman?"

After Ray had said that, he walked to his next class. For the rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking of what he had said.

Now we aren't always raised by the same rules, now are we Norman.

I didn't understand what he ment, but I knew that I needed to find out.

-Time skip-

I walked into my brother's room, sitting on his bed. "Hey Norman, What's up?" He asked, looking up from the journal he was writing in.

"Well, there's a kid in my class-"

"Do you have a crush?"

"No, it's something more serious."

"Your crush likes you back?"

"What? No! This has nothing to do with a crush!" I exclaimed. "Then what seems ro be so urgent?" William asked. "I need to find something out about someone." I said tapping my fingers and the wall. "Sure! Who?" He asked, pulling out his computer from his bedside desk. "Remember that quiet kid that is usually in my class?" I asked, looking at him. "Yeah, his name was Ray, right?" William asked, typing softly but swiftly. "Yeah. Do they have files about him?" I asked. "Yeah, but they have a lot of protection. It will take about a month to get past them, not including the other normal protection files for the website to even get there." William sighed. "Well, it is personal info. I can see why, but that much?! It's like freaking breaking into government files!" I yelled, laying down on the bed. "It might sound weird, but it is government files. The students are very special, because you go to a private school." William said, as he still typed. "Wait what." I asked, looking at him, assuming I looked shocked, because that's sure how I felt. "You barely ever get new kids, you need to wear uniforms, you never noticed?" William laughed, looking away from the computer and up at me. "Oh. Guess I never thought about it." I sighed.

--Emma POV--

I skipped along the sidewalk, my backpack bouncing up and down as I did so. I heard birds chirp in the trees as the wind blew my hair. It was a cloudy day, so I looked at the grey sky. I saw two boys sitting on the swingset at the park nearby. I ran to them, yelling, "Hi Norman! Hi Rat!" I saw Norman wave his hands at me, still on the swingset. I saw Ray just sit and swing, giving a small wave.

As I got closer, I realized that Ray was really swinging, not just sitting like an e-boy and sitting there. No, he was swinging, his black hair waving in the wind. "Woah! Rat! You're really swinging!" I yelled, looking at him. "Well duh, it's a swing. Hence the name, swing." Ray scoffed, rolling his eyes. At least I think he rolled his eyes. It looked like he did. Or I'm just thinking that it's the kind of thing he would roll his eyes at.

"You seem like the kind of person who would just sit though." I said, tilting my head. "Yeah but I'm not. I'm swinging." He said, starting to get angry as he swung higher. "ANYWAAAY~" Norman interrupted. "Do you guys wanna go to my house?" Norman asked, looking at us. "Uh, if my parents say yes." I said, smiling. "I can't." Ray said, as he slowed down his swinging. "Why?" me and norman both asked at the same time. "Eh. Got stuff to do." he said, as he walked off, waving his hand as a weird goodbye. Before he reached the edge of the street he said, loud enough for us to hear, "Not like I'd go to a random person's house anyway."

~~~~Ray POV~~~~

I walked through the door to be greeted by Luna and the others. "Hey Ray! Where were you?" Asked Leia. "None of your business." I sighed, about to walk upstairs. "Hey! Is your face red?" I heard Sara yell. "I was in the sun!" I yelled back. "It's cloudy today!" She yelled back. She was right. Though why was my face red then? "OOOOOOOO RAY HAS A CRUSHHH!!!" Leia yelled, along with Sara squealing in the background. "Who is it?" They ask at the same time. I walked off, and into my room, and it was only a few seconds before they both came crashing and asked me questions. "So, who is it?" Leia asked, looking at me with an evil grin. "I'm not sure," I whispered, looking down. "Okay, who have you talked to today?" Asked Sara. "Uh, Emma, Norman, Don, and Gilda, though I didn't really talk to Don and Gilda. I only got introduced to them. So just Norman and Emma." I said. "Oh! So either one of those two! Okay, tell me your interactions with Emma." Sara pushed. "Uh, Emma forced me to sit at a table with her and Norman, and those other two I mentioned. Then, when I was at the park, she asked me why I was on the swingset swinging." I sighed, leaning back onto my bed. "And your interactions with Norman." Luna grinned, leaning back onto the bed also. "Uh, I don't remember much, but I do know that he invited me and Emma to his house, and I said no, and-" I was going to say more before I was cut off by Sara. "YOU SAID NO??!!!!" She gasped, looking at me. "That's what I said, yeah." I repeated, looking at her like she was crazy, which she was. "I think you like Norman. He invited you to his house, and you're blushing." Luna laughed, sitting up. "Dude, that's kinda gay." John said, walking in. "Anyway, mom wants you Ray." He continued as he sat down on the top bunk of the bed. I walked down the stairs, and Luna looked at me and said, "I heard a boy from your class invited you to his house, and you declined." She said, as she cooked dinner. "So, I'm making you go." She demanded, as she flipped the tortillas on the pan. "But-" I protested."No. Go now. Your sisters can walk you." Luna declined.

I unwillingly walked with them, to a house that was a few blocks away. "That house is really pretty." I sighed, looking at it. "Just like your boyfriend." Taunted Sara. "Shut up." I angrily said, still looking at the pretty house. "Yeah! You wouldn't want to embarrass him on his first date!" luna said, and it was sad because she sounded like she meant it. I walked to the door and knocked. Soon enough, the white haired boy opened up. "Hi Ray! I thought you said you were busy?" Norman asked, looking at me. "It got canceled, so here I am." I said, doing jazz hands because why not. "Well, I'm glad you could come! Here, I'll show you to my room!" Norman smiled as he let me in. We walked down the hall, and there were pictures of him and his family. "So, do you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked, looking at how happy the people in the frames were. "Yeah, I have my brother William. My dad died, so William helps mom." Norman explained. "Oh, I'm sorry about that." I sighed, as we reached his room. It was very big, bigger than I thought it would be. "Anyway, what do you want to do?" Norman asked, looking back at me. "Wait, isn't Emma coming?" I asked. "No, her parents were doing something, so it's just you and me, friend!" Norman laughed.

'So it's just you and me, friend!"

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