Pack Ranking Info

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Alpha Male & Female- leaders of the pack; always first into battle; keep order in the pack; first to eat; cannot train a Trainee; no given age; must be a Beta, Head Fighter or Head Hunter in order to challenge.

Beta Male & Female- deputies of the pack; organize hunting parties and border patrols; help keep order in the pack; second to eat; chosen by the Alphas.

Healer- take care of the pack members when they get sick or injured; third to eat; cannot have a mate; no given age.

Head Fighter- leader of the Fighters; can be challenged to get the rank; fourth to eat with the Head Hunter; no given age.

Head Hunter- leader of the Hunters; can be challenged to get the rank; fourth to eat with the Head Fighter; no given age.

Fighters- defenders of the pack; guard the cave where the pack's camp is; patrol the pack's territory's borders; eat after the Head Hunter and Head Fighter, but in waves; Fighters are ages: 2-???? years.

Hunters- find food for the pack; can fight as well, but do not learn the advance moves that Fighters and Fighter Trainees learn; eat after the Fighters, but in waves; Hunters are ages: 2-???? years.

Trainees- young wolves in training to be Hunters or Fighters; eat after the Hunters, Fighters, and Mothers, but in waves; Trainees are ages: 1-2 years.

Mothers- she-wolves expecting or nursing pups; eat after the Hunters; no given age.

Elders- retired males and she-wolves that can longer hunt or fight; eat after the Mothers; no given age.

Pups- too young to start training; eat after the Elders; Pups are ages: 0-1 years.

Omegas- disabled or very misbehaved wolves; get abused A TON by packmates; get no respect; eat the scraps left over; no given age.

Pack Of The Dawn Sun RoleplayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz