If blue could be happiness

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Levi still couldn't believe that he actually came to this one moment that he tried so hard to avoid with all cost. He just bought a boquet of flowers from the market and made his way to say his final goodbye to his last 2 rays of hope that lightened his dark path in life.

"I-Isabel... " He walked eagerly, feeling his eyes beginning to feel wet, a bitter taste on his tongue. He took a flower from the arragement and look at it.  " Farlan... You cheeky bastards." He chuckled softly, but the painful sting in his chest ballanced the action. " You really thought you couldn't make the world a lonelier and shittier place as it already was, huh.." He raised his hand to wipe his damp lower lid, and continued his way, walking slower than usual, as the burden of all these years of having 2 loyal shadows beside you decided to bend the lenght of his spine and the  strenght of his morale.

In the opposite direction, a fresh and free face made its way in the capital, the shackles of years leaving alone in the doomed square that represented that farm she grew up in . She was walking rather fast, a tinge of juvenile cheer in every step  she took. She was as marveled and surprised as she was estranged from this land. Historia decided that the weather was way too welcoming to not take off her greige hood over her head, that covered the chiseled features. You could have told that she wasn't really from here. The only joy reminiscent of hers was the one of the children that played on the set of stairs of the tall buildings, some of them even pushing one another in the line in front of the bakery. " This is the moment i was born for.. I just can feel it. Mmmh.. Is that what i think it is.. Apple pie? " She smiled widely when her senses distinguished that familiar cozy breeze of baked goods. It really couldn't get any better than this, she thought.

She decided to turn around the corner so she can dive into a fresh piece of her childhood self, with cheeks beaming of the sweet kiss the sun welcomed her with. In that very moment, the clash was inevitable. She felt the tripping already happening and she was seconds away from falling on her face, but the difference was made when a strong and firm grip catched her and assured that she will stand straight on her feet again.

"What in the shit f-" ... he looked down at the bouqet of flowers that shattered partialy, two flowers breaking away from the colorful group and hitting the ground.

"I am so so sorry, i really wasn't paying attention where i was going, i didn't mean to make such a mess. Damn i can be such a klutz sometimes—"

She really was stuck deep into her guilt trip, the one thing stopping her was the sight of him, not giving a single damn about her speech, just squatting down to put the arragement together once again.

"Uhh.. Just don't worry about it, yeah? Watch where you go next time and you'll be perfectly fine" He kept his eyes down all this time, while being delicate and attentive with each placement he made, like every petal represented a part of his soul.

"Mhm.. " She sighed softly while placing a strand of her honeyed hair behind her ear. She squatted in front of him, looking with full atention at his features that were almost strategicaly hiding his eyes. She marched her hand towards one of the flowers, at that moment he raised his gaze at her. Blue clear and never-ending pools stared back at him with a shy, yet curious vibe, a smile in the corner of her rosy lips tying together the enigma of a feeling that traveled in Levi's brain.

' Maybe in another day, time, second, or place he would've shouted angrily at the very stranger in front of him, or he would've just throw one of his sharp and venomous -Tch- right in her pretty little face. But right now,  his heart, head and body were all thrown in different directions and states.

"It's not like i was looking forward to give flowers in this kind of situation, nor face it" he said bluntly, after that letting a sigh escape his lips.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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