video games N cuddles

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" I what?" He said as he looked like he didn't know what I was talking about, I then got annoyed and just wanted him to admit it so I just spit it out

" You um kissed my- well my n-neck..... To distract me so you could win you know exactly what you did!! " I said still red as ever

" Hmm real-" I cut him off

" yEsS " I yelled as I looked away covering my face with my hands

" Hey uh all jokes aside did I make you feel uncomfortable" he said with concern which made my heart melt damn- hes so cute.

" No no no! It's just- no has ever did that- to me before so it kinda cought of guard" I admit so he didn't feel bad

" Oh so- I was the first one to do it" he said moving his face closer to mine while wiggling he eye brows which kinda reminded me of cat noir

" Oh shut up, your such a dork" I said as I playfully pushed his face away

" Any way" I continued " you want anything to drink" I said as I got up walking over to my door to go down stairs

" Uh yeah if you don't mind"

" Of course I don't mind I'm the one that offered dummy but what do you want" I said as I laughed a little

" Um do you have orange juice if so that but if you don't a glass of water would be fine" he shrugged as he got his phone out

" Yep we got orange juice I'll be right back" I said as I went down stairs, I heard foot step coming down behind me causing me to look, once I look I see Adrien giving me a Goofy smile

" I wanted to come with you" he said omg he's so cuuuuuuute ahh

" Haha ok come on" I laughed

" Ok! " He smile and followed me the  kitchen

" Hey you wanna watch a movie its pretty late" I asked as I poured his glass of orange juice

" Sure, your room or the living room?"  He asked

" How about the living room since we've been up in my room most of the time" I asked handing him his drink while I had iced tea

" Ok you can pick" he said with a smile

" No your gonna pick " I said grabbing his hand and pulled him to the living room handing him the remote

" Ok fine if you insist" he lightly laughed

" Hey we only have one blanket clean so what do you want me to like wash you one real fast" I said scratching the back of my head

" Oh no no no, Mari its ok I don't need a blanket"

" Yes you do"

" No I don't it's ok"

" Yes"

" No"

" Yes"

" No"

" Yes

" Ok ok are you ok with sharing" he asked

" Of course but as long as your ok with it" I made sure

" Yep" he said as he pulled me by him on the couch and cover us up with the soft grey blanket

After a while of looking for a movie he found one.

" Hey what about this one I've been wanting to see it, but I've heard it's a bit scary. Are you okay with that?" He said looking at me

" Yeah go ahead put it on" I said and smiled

We were about 20 minutes into the movie it was kind of getting creepy not going to lie I was pretty scared I didn't want to admit it because then he would feel bad so I kind of just slightly hugged him from the side he seemed to have noticed cuz he looked down.

" What are you doing?" He asked I didn't  want to lie to him

" I'm kinda scared" I shiley said

" Oh we can change it"

" No no it's fine, but can we- uh ummm c- cuddle? " I asked blushing

" Of course Mari" he said with a small smile wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up closer to him, I was now laying slightly on his chest I felt safer while watching the movie now. then a jump scare came out of nowhere causing me to scream and hide my face in the crook of his neck he could definitely tell I was scared so he hugged me tighter.

" Haha Mari are you ok" he asked

" Yeah just uh kinda scared me " I said not daring to look back at the TV

" Kinda? " He asked jokingly

" Shut up!" I laughed

" Haha just kidding " he laughed, as he went back to watching the movie I still didn't look back at the TV in stead I just kind of closed my eyes I was pretty tired not going to lie but I don't want to fall asleep on him that would be rude but he's so comfy I don't want to get up well the movie should be over soon anyway so I'll just stay up till then but I'm not moving.

Adrien's POV

The movie was over and I decided to see if Mari was ok.

" Hey Mari?" I quietly spoke, but she didn't reply

" Marrriii~" I said again ah she must've fell asleep, cute. I guess I'll just going to sleep to because if I move so probably wake up and plus it's pretty comfy, I thought as my eyes Flutter shut.


Heyyyy sorry for the wait I kinda lost motivation for this but I'm back don't worry-

Word count- 1441

Bye little bugaboos😽🐞


She SnappedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz