Chapter 1: "Diagon Alley

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July 31st 

i walk into the kitchen to see my father sitting in his chair talking to a red head man and woman. "ah and this must be hailey," the man said. i nod slightly confused and then as i'm standing there two red head boys appear on either of my sides, i scream and they laugh. "wow hailey you're a-" the one on my right said, "scaredy cat!" the other finished. the one on my right wrapped his arm around my waist, "i'm fred weasley." i blush as my father raises an eyebrow, he quickly took it away from my waist. "and i'm george weasley," the other one said. i glance back at my dad, sirius black, and mouth 'who are they?'. he points next to him, "come meet the rest of the family, where's the other three?" my eyes widen when he says other three. he nods and the woman yells, "GINNY WEASLEY! RONALD WEASLEY! BILL WEASLEY!" the twins were already next to them and the other three came running in. my eyes land on the tallest one, he had a large scratch down his face. "i'm molly by the way sweetie," the woman says. i smile, "you and bill are both 20 i noticed." i nod again, "i'm going to hogwarts to help with hagrid and his game keepings." molly smiles widely, "you and bill should get to know each other!" i scratch the back of my neck nervously. he sticks a firm hand out and whispers, "let's go on a walk, like mother said, get to know each other better." i smile and nod taking his hand. we walked out of the front door and we begin talking.

"so what's your full name?" he asks. i glance at him, "my full name if Hailey Remus Potter. I have no siblings unlike you." he goes wide eyed but doesn't say anything. we walk in quiet for a while before he finally speaks up, "so who's your mother?" i glance at him and shrug. he grabbed my hand and took it kissing the top of it, i blush hardly and he laughs. "so i'm guessing your mothers last name was Potter and they never got married?" i nod. i was shivering because it was chilly, bill looked over and noticed. "here have my jacket," he took his jacket off and gave it to me. i smile and slip it on, "wanna head back?" i nod, "yeah we've been out for a little they'll be wondering where we're at."

when we walked in everyone's eyes stared at me and the twins both gasped. i glance at them back and forth confused. i forgot we were holding hands. "look! look! their holding hands! and and she has his jacket on!" fred shouts. i turn red and bill laughs lightly, he glances down at me. next thing i know his hand is wrapped around my neck and he's kissing me. everyone was staring and then i feel are lips part quickly. i look up to see my dad had yanked bill back, "dad let him go!" he shoved bill off towards me and molly came over and twisted his ear, he winced in pain, "i'm sorry i'm sorry!" i grab my own father by the ear, "i'm an adult, stop controlling my life for merlins sakes!" My voice becomes shaky, "I have a job! I make my own pounds! Stop trying to control me.." my fathers face dropped as bill took me in as i cry into his chest. the rest of the weasleys stare in shock, "Mrs. Potter, Bill, you're dismissed you may go to her room." Molly says in a low tone of voice.

Bill nodded and lead me to my room, as we reached my dorm he looks down at me, "hey darling it's okay..don't let him hurt you over a silly little kiss.." i nod as he wipes away my tears, i stare at him and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him. he's shocked but kisses me back. i wrap my arms around him and he picks me up. he opened my door, i had quickly fell asleep in his arms. i had a rough long night is why, he laid me onto my own bed without waking me up and put me under the covers. he than grabbed my sleeping bag and a pillow and got into it falling asleep.

i wake up to a soft snoring sound, i look in my floor seeing Bill. my face turns red with blush. not to long after i woke up my door opens fast hitting the wall, "GOOD MORNING PEOPLE!" fred and george both yelled, "TODAY YOU TWO HAVE TO HELP RON AND GINNY AT DIAGON ALLEY!" i was now fully awake along with Bill. i get up quickly and slam the door in the faces, "merlins.." he got up and looked at me, "you fell asleep last night...after we yaknow kissed.." my face goes red with blush. i walk over to my closet and pick out some clothes, (imagine what you're wearing) Bill watched me before i heard a knock on the wall next to my door. when we both look over i see my father, he looked sad, "hello darling..." my face goes straight and i hold the outfit up, "hello father." he looks at the outfit, "to much skin showing." i scoff loudly. "dad i talked about this! stop controlling me!" my face drops. Bill looks at me with kind eyes before clearing his throat. "no offense mr. black but i agree with your daughter. she's 20 years old she isn't a child..or a teenager." my father sighs and walks off, "you two be ready in 20 you gotta take gin and ron to diagon alley." i nod and walk over to my bathroom and stripping my clothes off and i then slip on my outfit, i walk out and show Bill, "do i look okay?" he admires me for a long second before finally nodding, "yes you look gorgeous!" he grabs his own clothes and walks into my bathroom changing, "look we match." he laughs and agrees with me.

when we reach the kitchen about 5 minutes later i smell all kinds of amazing smells, i smelt bacon, eggs, ham, and bread. i look around the room to see Molly cooking on our stove, "you guys will need to eat quickly, you have to leave in 15 minutes!" me and Bill quickly grab a seat next to each other at the dining table. Molly sits two plates in front of us, it smelt amazingly good. "have you guys read the "Daily Prophet" today?" arthur weasley asked us looking around the table. we all shake our heads, he turns the paper towards us i read

Breaking news, Bellatrix Lestrange and a few other death eaters have escaped Azkaban, how they got out nobody knows..but everyone best watch their backs, especially the kids going to Hogwarts Witch Craft And Wizardy.

Ron was turning green, he was about to be sick. i myself was also worried, i glanced at everyone at the table, they were all in utter shock and didn't know what to say. Ron then started sprinting down the hall, Ginny followed after him to make sure he was okay, "right now we could really need Harry Potter-" arthur spit out not realizing what he had just done, "Harry Potter? who's he and why do we have the same last name?" everyone at the table stared at me, "go on father!" my what i called father sighed, "Harry Potter is your brother, i'm not your real father Hailey..your parents are dead. their names were James and Lily Potter. they disowned you because they wanted a son, than 5 years later they got their wish." my face drops i hear Gin speak up, "i'm actually dating Harry.." i give her a small smile, "and Ron is one of his bestfriends." Bill looks down at me before he starts gently stroking my hair. "well we will talk more about this later, everyone is dismissed to leave to diagon alley," Molly says in a cold tone, "here is your floo powder," she held out a bowl and pointed to the empty fireplace, "get a handful and say VERY clearly, Diagon Alley." we all nod and line up at the fireplace, Ron went than Ginny next was me and Bill was after me. one by one we all arrived standing in the busy streets, i brushed my jumper off and looked around finding the three red heads, "where too?" me and Bill ask our fingers intertwining.

after we had got their new advanced books they all turn to me, "wanna go find Harry?" i take a deep breath and nod, "yes i would love to meet my younger brother." Bill smiles and leans over kissing my cheek making my face fill with blush. "erm- lets head to the platform than," Ron says with a disgusted face. Bill rolls his eyes but agrees, "cmon everyone, do you have all your things?" Gin and Ron both nod, Bill leads us down the path and towards the platform.

once we arrive to the platform everyone runs through the wall including me and Bill. "i haven't been here in what seems like forever," i say looking at the platform, i then spot a brown haired boy with the same eyes as me, "is that my brother?" Bill nodded, he ran over and hugged everyone other than me. "who's this? she looks kinda like me," Harry says smiling. "i'm your big sister," i say smiling. his eyes go wide and he quickly wraps his arms around me. "you're my sister?? i always thought i was an only child!" Harry cries. "i always thought i was an only child as well, no need to shed a tear. i will be working with Hagrid this year and many more, Bill on my side." i glance at Bill as he grabs me by the waist pulling me into him..

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