Miscarriage: A last chance.

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She yelled at him but still he was patient. For him, he knew for a girl how important it was to become a mother.

He smiled trying to calm her down.
"Bani bani..ok but its necessary na Kanda(baby)... please just a bite ok please sweetheart please...have it.. it's not for your mood its for your body..your body needs it, please sweetheart " he pleaded her to have her food with making another bite,bani had tears with his words,his care,his unconditional love,his patience... but she was up to something. She had now determined that she wanted him to vent out his grife. She held back her softness and cried back again.

"Veer you never understand me,you are least bothered of what am I going through, so can you please leave me and go... I'm not in the state of mind to accept this..you never understand me nor my emotions.." she said in louder voice and tears in her eyes. She accused him for her state. For the loss.

The sentence of "you are least bothered about me" from Bani teared him off till the core, he lost his cool, stood up with the jerk throwing the the glass to the floor, 'tinkle-tinkle' , breaking it into pieces. With this sound Meera entered their room in horror.

"Bani, Veer" she exclaimed.
Bani signalled her saying it's fine and she'll handle it, Meera understood and she left the room closing the door behind.

Tears pooled in his eyes. "What do you think bani...? What do you think...? Ha..? And what the hell do you mean I'm least bothered...? Haa..? Even I lost my kid as you did... but chanting the same thing..will not get back our baby... we will have to accept the truth... ya it's bitter.. but this is the fact... why don't you understand Bani, why don't you..?"

Veer said, anger,frustration was all written on his face. He still tried to console his sweetheart.
"No veer you don't, you don't understand my view.." she said hurting him.

"Oh really..? I can't understand you..? I'm not able to meet your eyes Bani, even being beside you that day I was helpless, now I'm here holding on myself just to give you strength, I'm trying to forget that as a bad dream but you..you come up poking the same topic with some new thing... why don't you get over it... I had told you to stay back that day.. but no.. you never listened me... I told to call out meera but still no.. and now you are facing this phase of life, infact we.. we are facing this.... both of us are not in state to accept this. where we had to enjoy this phase and where we lost everything in single second. The world just turned upside down." He broke down sat on his knees near the cupboard, crying sobbing sniffing.... wiping his tears with his shoulder. His shirt socking in his tears.

Bani came near him sitting in front of him on her knees, she cupped his face. "I know I didn't listen to you. I know I'm careless but you...., you are the best dad in the whole world veeranshu, I know if our child would be here,he or she would definitely say that 'you are the best dad' and you are the best husband."

"Bani,I didn't meant that, I'm not blaming you for all that happend, but even I'm hurt Bani.. but-but..." he was unable to continue but Bani continued.

"But Your not showing it Veer,because may be seeing you this weak I'll too go weak..right..? I know somewhere you are feeling guilty, but no... it was not in both of us to hold on, I know I'm emotional I'm broken, failed to read your thoughts,but I can't see you this way either. We should stay strong na veer..?"

"Bani you know I thought, I planed a lot of things for us.. you remember that day..(he caressed her tummy) when we discussed baby's name..?" (He had tears saying this and Bani was still holding his face kneeling down nodding yes to his words in tears,while he continues) we ..we were so happy. I thought if it's boy he would be your side as you know boys are much closer to their mom's as as... I was, and if it's a girl.. she would definitely be my princess, she would be my side..(both had a painful smile imagining these things) and and...(veer sniffing) if it would be boy.. then I would some how slip him in my team... and we would be in the same team... and we would play together we would have had a manly talks... right bani.. (she nodded yes in tears) he would love me more than you.. and my princess she would no doubt be in my team..." Bani tucking him under her chin,holding him,caressing his back.

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