"I..." Not able to talk again I simply point at the Milton Pinnacle in my left hand. He simply drags me in before closing the door behind us.

"Is something troubling you?" Turning around he questions as walks with me inside.

I sit down on the couch while he occupies the seat opposite me. Taking a deep breath I get back to my normal self, "I got coffee for you"

"Coffee?" He glances at the Milton Pinnacle as I keep it on the table, "But why? Don't tell my kids blackmailed you?"

I chuckle slowly, "Nope, it was Arya's sweet demand"

"You don't have to do it yaar!" He looks down as he shakes his head.

"Don't consider yourself so special okay? I am doing it for Arya!" I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll get cups" He smiles at me as he walks into his kitchen. I roam my eyes around his flat, a moment later he comes back and pours the coffee in the cups.

Taking a sip I continue, "I wanted to ask something you"

"Go ahead" He nods at me.

I have seen him struggling to take care of his kids as well as office together. Arya and Aryan return to his office after some classes because there's no one to take care of them at home. And they arrive at home around 8 or 9 in the night.

"If you don't mind can I take care of Arya and Aryan from afternoon till you return?"

"Uh...Umm.." I see him struggling to form words, "I don't want to trouble you. I mean my kids are very naughty, you'll have to keep an eye on them always. You have your life, your private things which may get less attention if you want to take care of Arya and Aryan"

"Well, yeah, I have private things but I can manage it. I'll inform you if I am busy, that time you can take care or never mind Sam and Shreya would happily take care of them" I speak honestly.

"Still, Mishti, think about it" He sighs finishing his coffee.

"Do you want to say that I can't take care of them?" I mention jokingly.

"Hey, not like that" He shakes his head quickly in no.

"Then?" I raise my eyebrows, "I know we can't trust anybody just like that. We hardly know each other, it's just 3 weeks. People can't even trust after 3 years. I am not saying you to trust me, ask Arya and Aryan about it. Only if they are okay I am ready".

He takes a deep breath before getting up from his seat, "I trust you" He says lowly as he holds my gaze. He kinda loves to stare!

"See you later Ms Agrawal" He smiles at me as he walks away, "If you are going out do close the door and go"

After sitting there for 5 minutes I decided to leave as I thought maybe he's taking shower.


"Yes, I got it Sir" I speak on the call to my officer, "In the sense, this month I am going to just plan and plot the other team is taking action?"

"Sure, don't worry Sir I'm always ready. The next month I'll be there soon"

"Thank you. Bye" I cut the call and my phone beeped. Abir's message pooped up. He has sent the address from where I should pick Arya and Aryan. Quickly typing 'I'm going to pick them'  I send it to him.

Taking my car keys, I wear my shoes. I have 15 minutes left to reach there. Getting down through the elevator I enter my car. I got to know that Arya and Aryan take kickboxing classes. They reach the office with Abir in the morning then some boy named Kunal drops them at class in the afternoon and picks them up after an hour or so. Then again those kids have to go to that boring office!

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