Their meeting (Chapter 1)

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There was once a Queen, the Queen of Love and Hate. People come to her to get advice, so one day the King of War comes to her. He is an arrogant king and he plays with every girls heart. Chaos follows him everywhere he goes and he loves to watch the destroyment he is making. Nobody could talk him to stop fighting and creating chaos. So they gave him the name "King of War". No King or Queen ever had this many fights with other kingdoms. Her kingdom is the only kingdom he didn't start a war. So he visits her, because he loves the chaos and her kingdom was always peaceful. Nothing ever destroyed her kingdom and he couldn't do anything about it. Somehow she always managed to destroy his plans and bring back peace in her country. He hates her for this, so now he visits her. 

{The day of his arrival}: 

It is a beautiful sunny day like always. She always managed to keep everybody happy and safe. She treated her people like her family and that's why everybody loves her. She is working really hard to make her palace more beautiful and more powerful. So as the rude King of War breaks her door of her castle and smirks at her, she gets mad and screams at him: "How can you be a King? Did no one every teach you manners? Stupid boy, you can't just walk in as if you own my kingdom. Even if I am a Queen, it doesn't mean I have less power than you." she looks at his stupid face and realizes that his eyes are orange, like fire in a way. "Oh sweetheart it is so cute when you get mad, no wonder everyone loves you. How can someone not love a beautiful and strong woman like you?" he jokes and winks at her. He continues to respond: "Yeah you might be powerful, but I will always be stronger. I am the King of War, after all. You are just the pity Queen of Love. How can you think that you will change anything? You will fall in love with me like every girl and I will use you and destroy you. So come on little Queen, show me your powers." His smile gets wider and she realizes that he is actually good looking, but his character is shitty. "Come on, bur don't touch anything or I will show you another side of me." She fixes the door with a snap. He looks behind you and asks: "How did you do it? Are you a witch or something like that?" she giggles a little bit and says not looking at him, going to a special room: "Oh you don't have powers? Hm so you are not a real king, how disappointing." "I AM A REAL KING" he screams with anger and follows her. "Yeah yeah I know. You act surprised. Did you think your strength comes from anger issues?" she rolls her eyes. "Yes, of course" "No dummy, the gods give each King and Queen their powers from what they are called. The more power have the more magic you can control. You really need to study something about your status in life. You can't always act like a noisy teenager." 

With her magic she opens up a huge door. She and the King walk into a huge room, the walls are huge with mirrors on it. She shuts the doors behind you and the king, so he can't run away like he always does. The room is divided in two sides. Both sides shine red, but one shines a dark red while the other shines a bright red. "What are we doing here and why did you shut me in here?" he screams at her with anger and realizes that his powers of strength don't work in here. "Shh let me talk. I can understand your anger. I know why you do the things you do." she answers in a soft calm voice. 

"How would you know what I feel? You don't know how it feels when you do one mistake and everybody starts to hate you. Everybody loves you, they call you the fucking Queen of Love. If they say bad things about me okay then I will be the King of War. If they want me to be the villain, I will be him. You can't change me." he screams at the Queen. 

She takes a deep breath and says: "I am the Queen of Love and Hate. Not everybody loves me. You think I am seen as a hero, that everybody loves. Pff there are so many people who hate me, because they think I am perfect. They don't see what I went through to become the Queen of Love. They don't see what problems I have and especially people don't see me as a human anymore. You think everybody loves me, that is so wrong. You see this is the room of my powers. There are two sides to it. I have to control Love and Hate, I could be a hero and a villain any time. But do you see here a choice where I can live like a normal human. As Queen of Love, I am not allowed to hate anyone and as Queen of Hate, I am not allowed to love people. I am forced to be alone forever, no enemies and no friends, lovers or family. I need to wake up and force myself to be an emotionless queen, because if I would break this rule, I would kill hundreds of people and everything that I have build up. The only day where I am allowed to love someone is on Valentines day and that is just to get a child who will live in the same misery like I have lived for 20 years. So don't say that I don't know what you feel. The only feelings I can feel is anger, sadness and fear. Everyday I am forced to tell people who they will love and who will they hate and how to cope with it, but I am not allowed to feel any of these feelings that are in this stupid room." she screams at him with tears in her eyes and his anger vanishes. 

He always thought that she is happier than anyone else. But now he realizes that she gave up her own happiness for other people. He always thought that she is the perfect hero, while he is the bad villain, but right know he sees a broken girl, who went through so much misery. He sees in her beautiful eyes, which are filled with shinny tears. He realizes how beautiful she actually is and somehow he feels a feeling that he fought had died a long time ago. He feels pity for her. He killed thousands of people and has never felt pity for anyone, but right now he just wants to hug her. 

The Broken Rule:Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum